Recent content by whitewood

  1. W

    French Cuckoo Marans Roo x French Black Marans Hen - Will chicks be pure Marans?

    Any idea if the pullets' eggs will be dark brown (chocolate) color?
  2. W

    French Cuckoo Marans Roo x French Black Marans Hen - Will chicks be pure Marans?

    Hi, Can anyone tell me if the chicks from a French Cuckoo Marans Roo x French Black Marans Hen consider pure Marans? Also, do you know if the pullets will lay dark chocolate brown eggs like the French Black Marans mama? And if the offspring will look more like dada (Cuckoo patterned) or mama...
  3. W

    French Cuckoo Marans Roo x with ...

    I see. Does that means I can't determined if they are male or female by the spot on their heads? Thanks!
  4. W

    French Cuckoo Marans Roo x with ...

    Here are some pictures of the chicks.
  5. W

    French Cuckoo Marans Roo x with ...

    Hi, We have just recently hatched a few eggs from these hens : Buff Orpington, White Jersey Giant, Barred Plymouth Rock, Olive Egger and French Black Maran. The eggs are fertilized by a French Cuckoo Maran Roo. The chicks all turned out to be looking very similar with just one's face looking...
  6. W

    Young hen sick with possibly bumblefoot??

    Thanks @cher2324 for all the tips. I will keep them in mind and work on that. :)
  7. W

    Young hen sick with possibly bumblefoot??

    She has not been laying eggs since she pooped the shell-less egg. It's been about maybe 2 weeks.
  8. W

    Young hen sick with possibly bumblefoot??

    @Birdie mom, I am sorry to hear that you lost 2 chickens from poisoning. Yes, I am trying to get her to eat more. We have been shoving food (medicated feed) into her beak and she will eat but she doesn't quite like us doing that. Other times, when we offer food that she likes - tofu, egg yolk...
  9. W

    Young hen sick with possibly bumblefoot??

    @Eggcessive, thank you for the tips. :)
  10. W

    Young hen sick with possibly bumblefoot??

    Her crop feels fine. Somehow today she is eating quite well. Maybe it's because we gave her other more delicious food (tofu, egg yolk, worms, kale) than the regular chicken feed. I am keeping her separate from the other chickens during the night and when she is with them sometimes during the...
  11. W

    Young hen sick with possibly bumblefoot??

    Her poop has been rather watery since her pooping out the egg. At first it was less watery with little bits of green ... now it's more watery and with mustardy color. Sometimes her poop is quite forceful (splashing out). She pooped as I was typing so I took a picture of it (see below). We...
  12. W

    Young hen sick with possibly bumblefoot??

    Dear All Chicken Rearing Veterans out there, Please help! Our 9-month-old California Gray hen has been looking sick for a while. At first, we thought it is possibly from some internal laying.... she pooped an egg (literally see egg yolk and white) out maybe 2 weeks ago. She didn't look so well...
  13. W

    Are these Mites/Louse or what? How to treat naturally and effective? Please help!!!

    Another question: Since there are so many lice crawling near the chicken's vent (looks like they are crawling in and out), will there be some that are now in the chicken's body? Do we need to get rid of them internally? My daughter says she saw one poop with blood. Wondering if this is the...
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