Recent content by Wezdin

  1. Wezdin

    Chicken is making gagging motions and sneezing.

    I'm sorry that no one replied earlier, does her crop feel full at all? if so you will want to search up "sour crop" on the site and follow the instructions.
  2. Wezdin

    Emergency/ Could my chicken pass from the cold?

    It is possible, warm her up slowly. don't blow a heater on her directly just let her sit in a room temp. area. If she has any frostbite don't touch it, it just makes it worse.
  3. Wezdin

    Yolk moving around when egg is turned???

    The OP hasn't been around in a while, but yolks will float around until they really start to develop. As long as you're seeing veins like the picture You're in a good spot! Welcome BTW.
  4. Wezdin

    Breed ID help please!

    It's still speculation but on bird no. 3 I'm thinking we got a clean legged Midnight Majesty Maran from hoovers, the face and stance is looking like that, as well as the slate legs and pinkish skin from what i can see.
  5. Wezdin

    What breed is she?

    What makes you thing she is not ameracauna? She does not have a single comb so that narrows it down a lot.
  6. Wezdin

    Meat Birds

    Welcome to BYC! You will want them on a grower feed with high protein, most likely not what you are feeding a layer flock. Meat birds do not roost and will grow very fast so by the time they are big enough to be with full size hens they will only be together for around 2-3 weeks. At the end of...
  7. Wezdin

    Integrating baby chicks with flock

    It really depends on the disposition of the existing hens. I would give it a shot under supervision and if it gets too ugly pull them out.
  8. Wezdin

    Slow feathered chick

    is the chick acting weird? if not I would just let her go.
  9. Wezdin

    Being prepared

    Vetericyn is useful to have
  10. Wezdin

    What temp for shrink wrap?

    for lockdown I would put humidity higher, I'm not sure if there is a set temp for shrink wrap to happen
  11. Wezdin

    Roo fight injuries- broken beak??

    For the wattles I would put Neosporin or vetericyn on them and let them heal on their own. get a secondopinion but if the beak seems to be intact I would put a bit of superglue on the crack to help prevent further injuries.
  12. Wezdin

    Rooster Sleeping Alot

    Is his poop looking ok?
  13. Wezdin

    Chicken lice/rooster acting funny

    It's possible he has an intestinal parasite, have you wormed them before?
  14. Wezdin

    Spicy update

    This bird has a pea or possibly rose comb, unlike the single comb you would find on a cinnamon queen.
  15. Wezdin

    Spicy update

    The comb is making me think you may have a mutt, where did you get her?
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