Recent content by Westholme Farmstead

  1. Westholme Farmstead

    Red Sex Link or no?

    Just a little update on this dude. Coming up on 20 weeks now.
  2. Westholme Farmstead

    Red Sex Link or no?

    Sorry, I didn't see your reply until now. His father was definitely a pure Rhode Island Red and all of the hens were supposedly purebred as well (no Bielefelders among them). I do agree that he looks a lot like one though.
  3. Westholme Farmstead

    Red Sex Link or no?

    I agree, it has to be the Barred Rock even though it shouldn't be. I saw the rooster and he had zero barring and was a nice, dark mahogany color. We're keeping this guy so I'm looking forward to seeing what he looks like fully grown.
  4. Westholme Farmstead

    Red Sex Link or no?

    11 weeks old now, he's turning out to be quite handsome ❤️
  5. Westholme Farmstead

    Red Sex Link or no?

    No worries! Your comment reminded me to come back and update with more pictures 😉
  6. Westholme Farmstead

    6.5 week old Golden Laced Wyandotte chicks

    Sorry, these aren't the best pictures but you can definitely see the pointy saddle feathers now. "Dorothy" is in the front. My son has renamed him Ted now.
  7. Westholme Farmstead

    6.5 week old Golden Laced Wyandotte chicks

    I just switched to a new phone and it doesn't look like the most recent pictures transferred over. I can take a few tomorrow though for you. The saddle feathers are pretty obvious now.
  8. Westholme Farmstead

    6.5 week old Golden Laced Wyandotte chicks

    I just wanted to come back to update that, at 10 weeks of age, it is now obvious that Dorothy is a cockerel. The other two still look like pullets though 😉 🤞
  9. Westholme Farmstead

    Buff Opington?

    No, I know this, but this is what I have currently. It'll probably be more apparent what she might be as she gets older, I was just curious if anyone recognized her as something else other than a Buff Orpington because she didn't look like one to me.
  10. Westholme Farmstead

    Buff Opington?

    I'm pretty sure they were $4/egg. Not crazy but definitely more expensive than mixed breeds are going for around here.
  11. Westholme Farmstead

    Buff Opington?

    This is what I was thinking too. Thanks for your input 😉
  12. Westholme Farmstead

    Buff Opington?

    That's kind of what I thought 😉 Makes no difference to me at all but I feel bad that she paid for purebred eggs!
  13. Westholme Farmstead

    Buff Opington?

    My sister purchased hatching eggs and hatched out what was supposed to be Buff Opingtons. She gifted this one to my son today but I'm not so sure it's a Buff Opington. The legs are yellow, not white and I don't think the black feathers are normal for a Buff. Suggestions on what it could be...
  14. Westholme Farmstead

    Red Sex Link or no?

    Another update on my boy with the weird genetics. He's 8.5 weeks old now. I think it's safe to say that the barring is sticking around. He's definitely going to be a pretty rooster when he's all grown up!
  15. Westholme Farmstead

    6.5 week old Golden Laced Wyandotte chicks

    Haha 😂 You're right about the toupee, I'm not going to be able to unsee that now! Those feathers are round, I was telling myself that maybe it was too early for pointy hackle feathers yet 🤦🏼‍♀️ Their face being so red is throwing me off. She/he is as red as my obvious cockerels. I noticed...
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