Recent content by Western Chick

  1. Western Chick

    Question on housing males with females for laying

    Chicken veteran but quail noobie here! I've built a 2x6 cage and I'm starting with 12 coturnix quail (hopefully this weekend ). Would it be okay if 2-3 of them were males or would they fight in there? Do females kept for laying need a male around at all? I would like to eventually save and...
  2. Western Chick

    Western Chicks Page

    Hello, my name is Kelly and I'm addicted to chickens. Actually I have a weakness for animals of all sorts, except pigs. I can't stand the squealing, even so I did break down and bring home a potbellied piglet a while back. She's not so bad. Her name is Sarah. We live on a ranch (well around...
  3. Western Chick

    Dyed my ee :p <-----> pics on post #8 and #21 <---- New

    umm....yeah. That is wrong on so many levels.
  4. Western Chick

    UPCOMING MINNESOTA POULTRY SWAPS These are for 2009- all over with!!!

    Does anyone have any information on the fall exotic animal sale in Barnesville? I thought i saw it was Sept. 12...not sure though.
  5. Western Chick

    Do I have Fibromyalgia? Post your you cope..

    Quote: Yes! The headaches were the first chronic pain I dealt with, I think they're related to neck tension because I have them pretty well managed just seeing a Chiroprator. I do still get them though- usually in the temporal area and around the back of my head, into the neck. For the rest...
  6. Western Chick

    Do I have Fibromyalgia? Post your you cope..

    Let me start by saying...I know I need to ask a Doctor, I plan to. But I understand that Fibromyalgia is one of those conditions that is not well-undersood by general practitioners so I want to have some background. I've searched some health websites for symptoms of FM but all the info seems...
  7. Western Chick

    The processor found..... UPDATE!!!! LINK IN FIRST POST!

    Man, oh, man... people, chill out! You're gonna give the poor girl an anxiety attack! Ever think that maybe she's on the way to or from the processor already this morning? Then she'll have to get her frozen birds all taken care of, these things take time. I've been waiting on the answer...
  8. Western Chick

    Can i put my daughter in school early? (teachers? moms? anyone? HELP)

    Quote: I have to agree...don't they grow up too fast anyway? Besides, kindergarten isn't so much about what they can do but how well they are prepared mentally, physically and socially. My oldest is in kindergarten now and it is hard for him. Not so much the learning and doing things- he...
  9. Western Chick

    New Facebook App..... send your friends CHICKENS!!!

    Oh...there's another one...The FARM TOWN addicting. You start as a beginning farmer and plant and harvest crops, send animals (including chickens) to your neighbors. If you're on FB you should definately check it out ETA- sorry...didn't mean to post-jack
  10. Western Chick

    2 beautiful Buff goose eggs (SOLD)

    Fudgie- I'll let you know when I have more available.
  11. Western Chick

    2 beautiful Buff goose eggs (SOLD)

    I have these all packaged up and ready to go do to a non-payer. I'll sell them for $15 (postage included) to the first one to post "sold" and PM me for paypal info.
  12. Western Chick

    Call Duck Egg Pipped!! Update - ***PICS***

    Beautiful! Congrats!
  13. Western Chick

    The most dangerous cake recipe in the world!

    Quote: I did the applesauce swap too- hardly noticed a difference! Also used just the egg white- left the yolk out. I'll admit it does come out a little rubbery, maybe I haven't mastered the timing yet. Regardless, the chocolate chips are a necessity IMHO and it's best (even when rubbery)...
  14. Western Chick


    So...I'm thinking my eggs are going to Chickies-Duckies...since that was the first response after Shadyglade passed on them. PM me your information- I can send them on Saturday for (?possible?) Monday delivery.
  15. Western Chick


    Okay...I'm not exactly sure how this works but I'll give it a try (let me know if I'm doing it wrong) I'll take the White Chinese and Sebbie eggs and offer 2 American Buff goose eggs and 2 Silver Appleyard duck eggs. A note about the buff eggs- I'll send three eggs because there is a slight...
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