Recent content by Wendy Case

  1. Wendy Case

    5 toed chick from Hoover’s

    I've got two Salmon Favorelle, she's their missing triplet!! 😆🤣😂
  2. Wendy Case

    Bantam Sized Egg Boxes

    Hi, I'm looking for Bantam egg boxes and all I could find was Are you still selling them in the US??
  3. Wendy Case

    2021 Calendars are here! Free US Shipping!

    YAY! Ordered my two-year pack today!!!!
  4. Wendy Case

    What were your worst mistakes when you first started?

    I beg to differ re the fan. I have an extractor fan and an agricultural fan in my 162sq.ft coop. The air circulates great throughout our northeast Oregon summers. They also have five windows in there plus a screen door. The fan I use is strictly agricultural with the built in motor so dust...
  5. Wendy Case

    Reply to review by 'Wendy Case' on item 'Penedesenca'

    Just bought a couple of chicks and will be adding a couple more in a week or two. Good to see your review and very glad I have a huge run plus my flock free range. I have the Crele Penedesenca, and I’m anxiously going to be awaiting their eggs. lol:jumpy:jumpy:thumbsup
  6. Wendy Case

    Wood vs. plastic for nest boxes?

    As you can see, my multiple attempt was useless!
  7. Wendy Case

    Wood vs. plastic for nest boxes?

    LOL, the blueprints are in my head. I used the side of our workshop and dead space alongside it. The coop itself is attached to the workshop on one side and is 18 feet long. The workshop is is 24 ft so I used the extra space to make an enclosed porch on two sides with a clear roof to protect the...
  8. Wendy Case

    Wood vs. plastic for nest boxes?

    Plastic all the way! Easy to remove, hose down, dry etc. There is no place for mites to hide!! I also use the green artificial grass, sold in squares of four from Amazon that fit the nesting boxes perfectly. Easy to pull out, hose off and dry, plus I spray miticide (Elector PSP) in there and on...
  9. Wendy Case

    Automatic Chicken Door

    Sorry about the double pic.
  10. Wendy Case

    Automatic Chicken Door

    I'm SO very sorry about your hens being killed by the door. My automatic door goes back up if it won't close because of a chicken in the way, it's an Ador1. Plus my roosters have all the chickens in the coop right at sunset so I don't need light in the coop, only for my daily clump pickups. I...
  11. Wendy Case

    Review by 'Wendy Case' in article 'To Insulate or Not to Insulate...'

    :thumbsup:celebrateGreat advice! I took the insulated road as our coop and run are faced with intense wind storms, rain and snow. Works really well for us. I enjoyed the read very much. It's taken me from March till December to finish the entire residence and has kept me away from BYC. But now...
  12. Wendy Case

    Hemp/Cannabis products safe for chickens?

    How is that possible? :lau
  13. Wendy Case

    Hemp/Cannabis products safe for chickens?

    I have one of my dogs on CBD oil and it's definitely reduced pain inflammation in her joints. She's running again. I too take it for my back and have come off opiods. But back to animals. Bella is on 4mg per day for up to 22lb, she's a beagle. I would have absolutely NO problem giving it to my...
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