Recent content by want2know

  1. want2know

    Bald spots?

    Thank you for a very thorough, helpful answer!!
  2. want2know

    Bald spots?

    I have a flock of 11 hens and a Rooster. They will be a year old the end of next month. 4 of them have developed bald spots on their backs at the base of their tails. The buff orpington's feather deformity seems different and this has been developing for a while. Is this pecking, mites, or maybe...
  3. want2know

    First time rooster owner!

    I'll give it a try. I imagine it will take time to get him to feed from my hand. He always lets his hens go first.
  4. want2know

    First time rooster owner!

    I believe and agree with this advice. I just started a new flock This past April, and find myself with a handsome rooster that has become I sympathize with your predicament @Erwilcox. @Katakornchicks, I got 13 pullets and one grew up to be a rooster. When he was younger I handled him...
  5. want2know

    Thoughts on roosters(can they be freindly?) show me your lap rooster

    This explains a lot. I got 13 pullets and one grew up to be a rooster. When he was younger I handled him regularly, but when he was feathered and went out to the coop, I was down in the area with him, and when it became evident that she was a he, handling became less and less. Roo is now an 8...
  6. want2know

    Got first 3 eggs today from my flock of 12 pullets.

    Got first 3 eggs today from my flock of 13 pullets. 2 were mini size, one was a normal medium sized egg. My flock consists of 4 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 3 Australorps, 3 Buff Orpingtons, & 3 Barred Rocks. The Wyandottes are the oldest by one week and I have never had this breed before. I have...
  7. want2know

    Is 15” too big for nesting box width?

    I have hens that have actually liked laying together.
  8. want2know

    BigBird passed after an extremely violent seizure! What could it be!

    Please help me determine what may have caused this horrible death of my beautiful Lavendar Orpington. She raised up and screamed, she stood, her head flew back with her neck stretched out like I have never seen, then she collapsed and started flailing around on the bottom of the crate, she got...
  9. want2know

    Help diagnose mystery illness weak legs and lethargy symptoms.

    Thank you, Eggcessive, but i have already disposed of her body.:(
  10. want2know

    Help diagnose mystery illness weak legs and lethargy symptoms.

    BigBird passed away this morning. I felt something wrong so I knelt down to pet her. Within minutes she had an extremely violent seizure. It was horrible, beyond description! After a minute or so she collapsed and died.
  11. want2know

    Help diagnose mystery illness weak legs and lethargy symptoms.

    Thank you so much for responding. Her crop is empty, she is not eating. Has not eaten in at least 4 days. She is pooping a foul smelling clear yellow liquid. Her keel bone is sharp, but not sure how to judge. Before she got sick, she doesn't like to be picked up, so it has been a while since I...
  12. want2know

    Help diagnose mystery illness weak legs and lethargy symptoms.

    She eats Dumoor layerfeed crumble. Add Poultry Boost. She free ranges our 1 acre and I give watermelon when very hot in summer. (now)
  13. want2know

    Help diagnose mystery illness weak legs and lethargy symptoms.

    Going to try to keep this short but detailed: My Lavender Orpington is 4 years old & very healthy until about 10 days ago. Live in central Texas hill country and it is currently very HOT. Symptoms started began with staying in the nest, I assumed she was broody. Took her out of the nest twice...
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