Recent content by wagoncab

  1. wagoncab

    Marecks in pigeons?

    Hello All; Do pigeons get Mereck's disease? I have had a few chickens in past years that had it and I managed to get them through it and they survived but I have never seen it in a pigeon. I am currently hand raising a baby that the parents quit caring for. Not my first time doing this. Baby...
  2. wagoncab

    Baby Pigeon Diet

    Hello All; I have an almost 2 week old baby pigeon that I have been hand feeding since 1 day old. He was abandoned by his parents which I have. He is doing great! This is my first time successfully (so far) raising any bird from such a young age. As baby gets a little older, how should I begin...
  3. wagoncab

    Ducks with special Needs

    Hello all; I just stumbled on this thread. I have a gosling that has crippled legs. It came out of the egg that way. Right leg sticks out behind it and left foot is twisted at the wrist and toes. Baby has a real hard time getting around but eats and drinks well. He/she is 3 weeks old now...
  4. wagoncab

    My ducks are dying!

    I am thinking genetics too as all birds were related. Our resident poultry exert at work just retired. I was going to ask him today. One other poultry/waterfowl guy at work I can ask and see if he has ever had this happen.
  5. wagoncab

    My ducks are dying!

    Pond is man made many years ago. Only gets water when it rains. No heavy rain in a couple of weeks. Weather has cooled down here in Tennessee. All birds eat the same food. Again the geese and chickens are all o k.
  6. wagoncab

    My ducks are dying!

    No algae in the pond. No dead fish or frogs. I talked to my neighbor yesterday who I had given some babies to earlier in the year. They died too. No pond. Related birds. Also lost some that came from the local far store. Feed?? That is what we are leaning toward now. Geese and chickens are...
  7. wagoncab

    My ducks are dying!

    Help! I have never seen this before. I found 3 of my ducks dead in the pond this morning. One young adult and 2 half grown babies. 2 weeks ago I found another young adult dead. Not a mark on them. All are related birds hatched here at home. I have geese also. There are fish and frogs in the...
  8. wagoncab

    Are You Tied Down by Your Birds? What about Vacations?

    3Geese, 4 ducks and several chickens that free roam. I have chickens that are in a big pen that is totally enclosed with an attached shed. Poop was not a problem and as I said , all was well when we came home. I filled up several feeders both for the free range birds and the closed up ones. Lots...
  9. wagoncab

    Splayed leg? Vitamin deficiency? Not sure what's wrong.

    Hello; Thanks for the reply. I will try to get some pics. How do I give the B complex? Chick is in her own little coop so no worries about getting picked on. Thanks Cindy
  10. wagoncab

    Are You Tied Down by Your Birds? What about Vacations?

    I have been away just shy of 2 weeks. I left LOTS of extra food and water for my gang and they did just fine. Sadly, I do not have anyone that can come by and look in on things. We just got back from a week long trip and again, all was well. Did I worry? Yes! Cindy
  11. wagoncab

    Splayed leg? Vitamin deficiency? Not sure what's wrong.

    Hi There; I am going to jump in on this thread. I am looking for some help too. I just brought home a crippled chick from work last night. I work in a farm store and this chick evidently came in gimpy. They put it in their hospital area where it was safe. It is fully feathered so maybe it's...
  12. wagoncab

    Introducing goslings to broody goose?

    I did this very same thing with "Spike". She sat faithfully on eggs that would never hatch. I bought her 2 babies and put them under her one night and took the eggs away. Instant motherhood! Took to them right away.
  13. wagoncab

    St. Patrick's Day and First Day of Spring hatch-along 2019!

    Hi All; I just set 8 duck eggs today. Assorted breeds. Hoping foe a first day of spring hatch.
  14. wagoncab

    Why Do Chickens Eat Styrofoam?

    Mine are eating it too. It's driving me crazy!
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