Recent content by vmcdonald

  1. V

    What did I just find in my egg?

    Unfortunately it’s in the bin so I can’t comment on feel. They’re all on grower pellets (we have a mixed age flock) and get the occasional scratch (small amount 1-2x per week), maybe some berries or lettuce etc if I have something laying around
  2. V

    What did I just find in my egg?

    I found this egg out in the run today (very weird) after my BCM hadn’t layed the last two days (also weird) even though she was in the lay box a couple days ago. The egg, for the first time ever, had a very heavy bloom (she usually lays dark brown speckled eggs). It must be hers because my other...
  3. V

    Are these Easter Eggers or..?

    I’m curious how these turn out!
  4. V

    off spring egg color predictions

    The BCM roo over a blue layer will create an oliver egger. The BCM roo over a green layer will also create an olive egger, but likely a deeper green or green-brown egg ☺️
  5. V

    Pullet laid 2 eggs then stopped

    Just to provide an update. Our Silverudd cockerel was added two days ago basically cold-turkey because of my setup and the weather conditions. But we have a large coop and very large run for the number of birds. He got put in his place right off the bat and was pretty terrified for the first few...
  6. V

    Pullet laid 2 eggs then stopped

    Just one in each ☺️
  7. V

    Pullet laid 2 eggs then stopped

    Thank you! I’m a bit nervous but I live in an area with lots of chicken owners and have made some connections that have given good advice. You are right, he is very young (like 8ish weeks old) as is about half of the flock, but not all. I am a bit worried about the 7m old being a bully! The...
  8. V

    Pullet laid 2 eggs then stopped

    Thank you so much for the thoughtful response! She has verrry little copper, but yes feathered feet. Her egg was a beautiful dark brown. She is the eldest of 9 pullets that I have, with the youngest being only 7-8 weeks old. Golf balls are in the lay boxes to encourage laying there. Per the...
  9. V

    Pullet laid 2 eggs then stopped

    We bought a POL Marans pullet at 7 months old. She laid her first egg after only a couple days in our care, but the shell was super soft. I came in the coop (I had a feeling she was going to lay) and much to my disappointment the egg had been opened and eaten by her and some others. It was...
  10. V

    Any ideas on the cross?

    These girls were sold to me as brown red Ameraucanas but they obviously aren’t. 2/5 have beards and muffs, one is an obviously lighter colour than the rest. Any ideas? They definitely have lots of Americauna in thrm and her whole flock lays blue eggs but some looked suspiciously green to me as...
  11. V

    Silverudd x Buff Orpington Cross?

    What makes something an olive egger rather than an easter egger? That distinction is not super clear to me. The reading I've done suggests an olive egger is a blue layer + (dark?) brown layer. I think the lines between these two (OE and EE) are pretty blurry, correct?
  12. V

    Silverudd x Buff Orpington Cross?

    Hi all! I’m wondering if anyone has crossed a Silverudd with a Buff Orpington. I have a Silverudd roo and a couple Buff Orpingtons and wonder what colour eggs their offspring would produce. I assume light green? Would you consider that resulting chick an Olive Egger? What about Silverudd x...
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