Recent content by Viking84

  1. V

    What is a good feed storage container to keep out roaches??

    Right now I have a 30 gallon plastic trash can that I store my chicken feed in. However, the lid is not tight enough to keep out the roaches from getting inside. Whenever you remove the lid to scoop out feed, roaches scurry all over the place. My Wife will no longer feed the chickens because...
  2. V

    Any idea what my cross breed chicks will look like?

    just hatched out 6 baby chicks. Father is a large Dark Brahma rooster. of the six chicks, the Moms are (1) Light Brahma, (1) Black Minorca, (1) Ancona) (1) Silver Laced Wyandotte, and (2) Red Stars. Any idea what these will grow up to look like?
  3. V

    18 month old hen with swollen belly

    One of our Black Minorca hens (about 18 months old) has not been acting right for a couple weeks now. Her belly is really big and wide, making her waddle as she walks. She does not run with the other hens, and cannot jump up to the roost boards. She sleeps on the coop floor now. The feathers...
  4. V

    How can I make a sand box

    I let our chickens out for a few hours each day to free range. When I do, they often will go to a spot under a specific tree and roll in the dirt. They do not take these dirt /sand baths anywhere but in this one specific spot. I dont want to just dig up the dirt in that spot and put it in a...
  5. V

    How do I post a picture of a Hawk in my back yard

    Thanks, and Red-shouldered makes sense. Those trees overlook a 60 acre lake our back yard borders. I usually see these hawks and an occasional Osprey, looking towards the lake instead of into our yard. The fact that they inhabit swampy/wetland areas and mostly eat frogs,lizards and small...
  6. V

    How do I post a picture of a Hawk in my back yard

    I live in south Georgia if that helps ID the hawk. Red Tails are native to ur area.
  7. V

    How do I post a picture of a Hawk in my back yard

    This is a pic of the hawk. We have had two chickens go missing in the last 3 months. One we never found, but the most recent we found a cluster of feathers in our neighbors yard. We assumed that the neighbors dog got it. But now I'm wondering if it was a hawk.
  8. V

    How do I post a picture of a Hawk in my back yard

    I have a pic of a hawk sitting in the trees in my back yard. How do I post it on here to see if any of you can identify the type of hawk it is?
  9. V

    Raising Pekin ducklings and Chinese goslings in same brooder?

    I asked a similar question about raising ducklings and goslings together and the overwhelming reply was that large goslings will crush the smaller ducklings. But what if I am raising a small breed of gosling such as Brown Chinese that list as 10lbs for females and 12lbs for males (when fully...
  10. V

    How often do ducks need water to swim in?

    The chickens are already trained to know when its time to be let out. On weekends, we usually let them out in the morning and let them run all day. On weekdays I wait until I am home from work. Only time they don't get out at all is if I get home from work after dark, or if I am away for the...
  11. V

    Will hybrid layer and ancona ducks fly/jump over a 4 foot chain link fence?

    They will spend most of their time in a coop/run, but I will be letting the ducks out for a few hours a day to free range in the 1.5 acre yard. It is enclosed by a standard 4 foot high chain link fence. On one side is the neighbor with 2 chicken killing dogs that would gladly kill a duck that...
  12. V

    Can I keep turkeys inside back yard with a 4 foot high fence?

    My back yard is 1.5 acres and is enclosed with a standard 4 foot high chain link fence. My big fat Brahma roosters and hens cannot fly over it, but my lighter anconas, sex links, minorcas and wyandottes can. I had to clip their wings to keep them in the yard so the neighbors dog does not kill...
  13. V

    How often do ducks need water to swim in?

    Getting 2-3 geese and 3-4 ducks. Live in South Georgia where it was 72 degrees today. Coop/run is too small for any size pool. But since they will be let out for a few hours 4-5 times a week, I am digging a small pond, about 10x10 feet that will have fresh water running into it for about 30...
  14. V

    How often do ducks need water to swim in?

    They wont be able to dunk their head in the drinking water container I have for the chickens. If I just put a regular bucket of water inside the coop, , will that be okay if they are able to get outside into the pool 4-5 times each week for a few hours each time?
  15. V

    How often do ducks need water to swim in?

    We are getting ducks and geese later this spring, and although they will have access to drinking water, I do not have a pool in the coop/run they will be sharing with the chickens. We usually let the chickens out every afternoon when I get home from work to free range for a few hours before...
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