Recent content by ViggoRoo

  1. V

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    I never wear a mask but to be honest, I only have one rooster and 4 hens. Three of the hens I call the flying Wallendas because they are semi-feral and roost in the trees in front of Viggo and Goldie's safe house. I let the rooster and hen out in the morning and lock them in at night (they put...
  2. V

    All Hens killed by Dog

    I am not going to be popular here but nonetheless as a dog person here goes. Why was your first inclination to sue? Did you first contact the owner directly in a civil and grieving manner (as you clearly are) and ask for compensation AND firmly ensure this would not happen again? Was this an...
  3. V

    What's the temperature where you are???

    I live in Central Texas it's in the 50's and overcast. I have a question regarding winterizing for my flock. Two of my chicks/rooster are tame and I picked them up at the end of the day and put them in their coop until they learned to put themselves up. But I have 4 others (3 chickens/1...
  4. V

    Will Pigs Eat Chickens?

    My chickens run with my pigs, and the feral cats and my (5) Pit Mix dogs. Yeah, we are not the norm, but maybe my own "live and let live" philosophy has spread. Try it out and see if the pigs pay any attention to the chickens. My chickens actually steal the pig food while piggers are eating! No...
  5. V

    Places where roosters can crow

    As has been already stated when researching how welcomed you'd be with chickens, dig deeper in regard of religion and politics and education. A happy life is more than chickens. Now! I have 6 chickens (2 are roosters!) who free range during the day as well as a couple of (rescue) mini pigs in...
  6. V

    Attaching Hardware Cloth to Run

    I used chain link fencing over the top of the run and on the bottom so raccoons and other diggers could not get in. Has worked great. Used zip ties to secure.
  7. V

    Isn't he a handsome fella?

    As I am in to animal rescue I looked for a chicken rescue but came up with rooster rescues but not hens. Even checked my local Humane Societies and Best Friends. Agreed! Rescue is the way to go
  8. V

    Isn't he a handsome fella?

    He is strikingly beautiful!
  9. V

    Comment by 'ViggoRoo' in article 'How To Teach Your Puppy To Be Trustworthy Around Your Poultry'

    I have 3 pit mixes and two other dogs of unknown ancestry. They all get along fine with the chickens. I say this only to give an example that maybe breed profiling should not be dismissive. Of course, all my animals (TNR colony of cats live on the property along with 2 rescued mini-pigs and a...
  10. V

    Isn't he a handsome fella?

    I never understood Mika, from Morning Joe, going on and on about her pet chickens but now I am sympatico! Viggo Roo is a Brahma Rooster offered to me because of his ongoin personality conflicts with another rooster at his previous home. What a wonderful guy he is, too! So I've been looking for...
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