Recent content by Verbon30

  1. Verbon30

    Sick chicken

    Well if the eggs breaks it can cause a bad infection. From what I read anyways. Lack of pooping is most likely do to not eating. I would let her be and hope she can overcome what's wrong. Or take her to a vet. I know myself I can't afford a vet. I have to put down 2 chicken with a CO2 chamber.
  2. Verbon30

    Chicken missing, no sign of struggle. Found this.

    I don't see any berries or plants matter so it makes me think its a pure meet eater. But your best efforts would be to figure out how it got in and how keep it out.
  3. Verbon30

    Blood in the coop (Pictures included)

    If there is no wounds on on your chickens I think you are ok.
  4. Verbon30

    Blood in the coop (Pictures included)

    I live in Florida no snow here but alot of critters.
  5. Verbon30

    Blood in the coop (Pictures included)

    That might of fought off predator of some sort a friend of mine chickens killed a snake last month in there coop.
  6. Verbon30

    Ayam cemani what to look for when buying ?

    Thank you. I was hoping for a blood test but I guess they are so rare that it's cost effective to make a simple cost affordable test.
  7. Verbon30

    Sick chicken

    How is she doing? She is such a lovely looking silkie I hope she is doing better.
  8. Verbon30

    Sick chicken

    I never had an chicken get egg bound and I been breeding silkies for 6 years but I found this. Hope it helps. When your hen is egg bound, your hen may appear weak, show no interest in moving or eating, have a “panting” respiratory rate, and may have some abdominal straining. One or both legs...
  9. Verbon30

    Sick chicken

    If you just treated for coccidiosis maybe she was not fully cured for some reason. If you still have corid on hand I would dose her it won't hurt. I had a friend that had some chicken that just had white/yellow diarrhea with no blood. She had U.S.D.A. come out to test her chicken thinking it was...
  10. Verbon30

    Ayam cemani what to look for when buying ?

    I looking into breeding ayam cemani but I want to good breeding stalk. I been reading on the FM gene how do I tell which chicks are the best and more importantly which will make poor breeding stalk. They are for sale on Craigslist for $30 I sold them some silkies last year she seemed...
  11. Verbon30

    Is high quality feed worth the money?

    Yes if care for your pets you give them the best food you can afford. I breed some of cutest little fluffy silkies. Poor diet in hens can lead to birth defects and poor diet in chicks can lead to other problems. I have many return customers that drive 3 hrs one way to get my silkies because...
  12. Verbon30

    Is high quality feed worth the money?

    I love my silkies. Its taken me 6 years to build my flock it's so hard to find good quality Bearded silkie breeding stalk. Most are bearded/ non bearded crosses. I do what I have to keep them healthy. I could tell just by there feathers that it's was good feed. I also like they have higher...
  13. Verbon30

    Sick chicken

    Not as good as save a chick but if you have the stuff on hand. I love your paint silkie BTW Homemade Electrolyte Recipe for Chicks 1 cup warm water 2 teaspoons molasses OR 2 teaspoons granulated sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon baking soda 1/8 teaspoon potassium chloride* (optional)
  14. Verbon30

    Sick chicken

    My frist thought would be coccidiosis but i never heard of a older chickens getting it. It could be something as simple as stress. It's just could be so many thing if she is drinking try adding some electrolyte and vitamins supplement like save a chick.
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