Recent content by vanalpaca

  1. vanalpaca

    Review by 'vanalpaca' in article 'Fermenting Chicken Feed: A Straightforward Method'

    Just wanted to add a safety tip. Any time you are feeding in lightweight bins or feeders that can tip over and trap a chicken (mine fly off the roost and can knock theirs over) you can put a BRICK in it to weight it down so they cannot tip it over and get trapped...
  2. vanalpaca

    Ideas what is wrong with Tom Turkey?

    My Tom is off color, standing in the water pan, feathers ruffled, wings low, and not eating. He can still move well enough to avoid being caught, though. But he just stops and sags. His beak is open, so panting possibly. It has been high 80's. I haven't put out much feed the last few days as the...
  3. vanalpaca

    Crazy easy way to make hard boiled eggs

    No, now you let him boil all the eggs in the house since he is obviously quite talented at it!!! I am going through the horrors of eggs that won't peel. Seriously tried every trick out there and it just isn't happening yet...…...I do the hot to ice water bath shock, nope. Beginning to think that...
  4. vanalpaca

    How old are my chicks?

    Thanks, I found out on pick up May 1st hatchdate. So a smidge over 3 weeks.
  5. vanalpaca

    How old are my chicks?

  6. vanalpaca

    Can you help me identify the nighttime predator killing my chickens?

    For the last week I have been finding dead stripped chickens inside my coop. There is a hole where it has burrowed into the coop. I finally put down pieces of plywood and it still pushed in after burrowing underground deep into the coop and not just under the wall and back up. The chickens...
  7. vanalpaca

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    Ewesheep, I don't think any of my grandparents ever ate horses...I can quite honestly say that. More likely mutton, though...and plenty of chicken. Our roots are in the land and among farmers and carpenters and french trappers and wagon train leaders just the short haul though from the virginias...
  8. vanalpaca

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    Opa, I have the 2012 hatch that is pure stock. It is a mix of all the bloodlines, though. Hatched out of largest darkest eggs, but the hens were all the lines. Still need to get the overwintered cockerals out of the henhouse as they were ameraucanas. have to build some coops yet. I actually...
  9. vanalpaca

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    I am working on it. Keep getting sideswiped by out laws from years ago interfering. I can only take so much and I guess I do have some weak spots where I can't tolerate conflict. I would be ok if not for that. This is hubby's territory as mine is on the other side of the nation. So he has been...
  10. vanalpaca

    Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

    Hey Opa, I'm sorry I haven't been on is so very long. Last year I ended up incubating most of my eggs and eventually the room humidity and nutrition levels caught up with my ambitions. I think I did eventually hatch way too many Welsummer chicks, but it was good management practice in figuring...
  11. vanalpaca

    Comment by 'vanalpaca' in article 'Creating Your Own Fodder System'

    Where did you find the white trays and are they just to catch overflow water? So you have to empty them? You can pm me if desired at [email protected]. Anything to lower feed costs! I am in Zone 5 Ohio and except for having to haul water, I was thinking that doing this in the basement would...
  12. vanalpaca

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    Bred to standard Araucanas are rumpless and have willow legs. Bred to standard Ameraucanas have tails and SLATE legs, called blue slate/grey or even black, but definitely NOT willow. Go talk to the breeders that MADE the Ameraucana over on the club site and you will see this is true. Now...
  13. vanalpaca

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    Willow legs belong to purebred to standard Araucanas......
  14. vanalpaca

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    Slate grey is the standard for Ameraucanas, check out the club website. "Willow' implies green legs and that is NOT to standard. yes, you can also tell by the COMBs when they are larger as Ameraucanas have a pea comb and Wellies a large single comb. Do we get to see pictures?
  15. vanalpaca

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    Beesong, is THE CHICK going to have muffs and beard??? You know we will need updated photos in a few weeks......
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