Recent content by TwitchnChickens

  1. TwitchnChickens

    Comment by 'TwitchnChickens' in article 'The Chicken World's Worst Chore, culling the injured and sick babies.'

    Because you use more ether and for a longer time. It puts them to sleep and replaces the oxygen in the container causing their death. It is a painless process.
  2. TwitchnChickens

    Extra chick

    It’s probably the same breed as what you ordered but a boy instead of a girl.
  3. TwitchnChickens

    Review by 'TwitchnChickens' in article 'How To Raise Chickens'

    Great advice! Many useful things to apply to your chickens happiness.
  4. TwitchnChickens


    What I did was give them a safe space to live as they grew that the big girls can’t get into. With an opening for the littles to get in and out. I had it in the corner of the run with a small gap between it and the walls for the littles to fit and not get chased. They’re much faster than the...
  5. TwitchnChickens

    Possible feed issue???

    Maybe try using multiple feeders so they can feed without fighting for space.
  6. TwitchnChickens

    Feed costs rising! Transitioning to different feed. *Questions*

    Have you looked for an Amish feed store in your area? They generally have less expensive feeds and will be locally sourced grains.
  7. TwitchnChickens

    Feed prices

    I go to my local Amish feed store and buy their layer feed for my girls. They like it and it cost less for more food than the local TSC does. Plus I know it’s fresher than what I might get while being locally sourced grains.
  8. TwitchnChickens

    Help! Worms

    So are you going to say what the fda has approved for no egg withdrawal?
  9. TwitchnChickens

    Poor roosting choice - okay for winter?

    I would remove the wire above the coop and just block off the wall where they’re getting up there. Then raise the roost in the coop. That will give them more height in the coop and keep them from being on top of it and making it a mess. And if the run is also completely covered I would just keep...
  10. TwitchnChickens

    Roo or hen EE

    The saddle, tail and neck feathers point to it being a roo.
  11. TwitchnChickens


    This is what I would try. Apply neosporin on the wound and keep it on there.
  12. TwitchnChickens

    Official BYC Poll: What Factors Affect Your Chicken Feed Buying Decisions?

    Why not save some bags and get the bigger ones and split it up to make it easier to move?
  13. TwitchnChickens

    My main girl stopped laying.

    These are our main girls and have always laid their eggs in the nests. Our property is fenced and they don’t have access to a secluded spot to hide a nest. I believe it might be stress from adding the new birds to our flock that stopped her from laying. I separated the new girls as they were...
  14. TwitchnChickens

    My main girl stopped laying.

    I will check for mites. The combs are red and they aren’t acting abnormally. They don’t have a hidden nest. Yes we free range the girls. We did add some new younger chickens and I think that might be why she and a few others now have stopped laying regularly.
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