Recent content by twilite

  1. twilite

    Chick with open body cavity

    Aww so sorry.. hopefully the others are ok.
  2. twilite

    Newbie hello!

  3. twilite

    New in NY

  4. twilite

    Newbie From SC

  5. twilite

    ~It's the 'Rate something about the Person Above you' Game!~

    Wow I can't follow this thread at all ... but its very interesting none the less.
  6. twilite

    Hen sounds like she is breathing through a kazzoo

    Hope she will be fine. I'll have to get some Oxine. I just read about it. Wherecan I get some ? Tractor Supply?
  7. twilite

    ~It's the 'Rate something about the Person Above you' Game!~

    Well, I have no idea what you are talking about...except for the bathroom habits. And I'm certainly not going to discuss that subject. So I'm no help at all.
  8. twilite

    Need Advice ASAP .... PLEASE!

    I meant ...its up to you to decide whats best.
  9. twilite

    Need Advice ASAP .... PLEASE!

    I usually help them out if its been that long and nothing more has happened. First I would have done what you did and make sure he can breath, then wait awhile. You've done that already. If it were me I would pull off more of the shell and see if he's moving. The blood may be from a vessel...
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