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  1. TV

    Bill, You may not remember but I purchased a couple of Cameo pea chicks from you back in July...

    Bill, You may not remember but I purchased a couple of Cameo pea chicks from you back in July and they were doing great until this past Friday. One of them ( the male) flew up and broke his neck on the top of the pen. Do you have any young Cameo peacocks available? Thanks, Tolly
  2. TV

    What is the difference?

    One is a normal India Blue and the the other is a India Blue Black Shoulder.
  3. TV

    The broody turkey tread

    it isn't unheard of for a Tom to go broody and set on eggs, not common but it does happen. Hen turkeys make excellent mothers.
  4. TV

    What kind of turkey is this?

    Definitely a hen (white edged breast feathers) she may have some Rio blood in her but she's not pure. Rio's have much longer legs and the legs are a darker, reddish color. probably a mix of Eastern and Rio. Pretty bird. Here are some mixed hens I raised
  5. TV

    Post your pics of your poults and adult turkeys(SHOW THEM OFF!)

    These are my Regal Red Toms and Calico Jake. bourbon Red Hen in back ground.
  6. TV

    Post picture of your turkeys!

    My boys.
  7. TV

    Show off your turkeys!!!

    Regal Red Toms and Calico Jake
  8. Regal Red

    Regal Red

  9. TV

    Help verify this fowlpox probably

    It's pox. No need for antibiotic unless they become infected. Pox is caused by a virus, antibiotics are useless against a virus.
  10. TV

    Turkey laying early

    No 16wk. old turkey is laying an egg. You would be amazed at the size of a double or triple yolk egg that will come out of a chicken hen.
  11. TV

    Catching and Dealing w/ a wild turkey, ANY MORE HELP

    Yep, likely illegal what you did. Likely too that wild turkey will never be happy and settled being penned up. The only humane thing to do is turn it loose. If you want a wild type turkey find a breeder and purchase some poults.
  12. TV

    What breed

    Doesn't look anything like a Rio Grande or any wild type turkey. These are Rio Grande hens.
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