Recent content by TundraFang

  1. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    He's dead. I am absolutely devastated.
  2. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    My thermostat broke and his nest got to about 110°F. I cooled him down with water and put him in an incubator. He's gasping and unresponsive. I think I'm going to loose him
  3. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

  4. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    He's doing alright. He's gaining weight again (48 grams this morning!) and he's covered in pin feathers. Still spunky and begging for food. The lighting is terrible here but I'll get a picture later when we get home
  5. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    The syringe with the glove worked fine for me until he aspirated. After going so long without food, when his appitite returned he would get so eager to eat that he would quite literally inhale it. I've since switched to tube feeding as that is what I'm most comfortable with
  6. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    Yes, the photo was taken that day. I know he is very behind developmentally which is why I included it. He's just starting to get pin feathers and he's definitely not as big as he should be
  7. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    I think you have a valid point. I have never owned pigeons, much less raised one from hatch so I have no idea what I'm doing. I do know he had sour crop at some point because the vet did a crop swab. I know he aspirated, though I believe it was because of his crossbeak, not overfeeding. There...
  8. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    Yup! He reopened it twice after I posted but has not done it since. I still have no clue how he managed to nick himself but it's healing up nicely. I think I might try making a crop bra out of vet wrap for him to wear overnight. It can't hurt and I have no idea what else to do. He's happy and...
  9. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    Still struggling to get his crop to fully drain. The first few hours after I feed he is happy and poops regularly, but once his crop is about half full he starts acting hungry and stops pooping. I haven't been able to get his crop to drain past half-way. Any idea why this would be happening?
  10. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    Apparently everything that can go wrong is bound to happen at some point. He's somehow got a cut on his toe that's bleeding quite a bit. I dipped his foot in cornstarch and that slowed it down. I have no idea how he managed to cut his toe. Is there's anything else I can/should do?
  11. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    Cisapride seems to be working and his crop is almost empty. He's officially the most expensive bird I own lol
  12. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    I called the the vet and he prescribed cisapride. He's still alert and begging for food so hopefully this works and he doesn't go downhill again
  13. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    His crop has not been draining well since the incubator incident. I I fed this morning because he was acting a bit weak but his crop had not fully drained. He's clearly hungry and begging for food. I've been struggling to get him to gain weight so I'm afraid of letting him go too long without food.
  14. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    He's doing good! Completely back to normal behavior!
  15. TundraFang

    Handraising pigeon questions

    My power went out while I was asleep last night. When I woke up for the next feeding he was unresponsive and when I opened the incubator I realized it was cold (around 65°F). Miraculously, he is still alive. I plugged the incubator into my car and he is warming up as I'm typing this. He was...
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