Recent content by Trinityoaks

  1. Trinityoaks

    Sick Chickens help!

    That was a few months ago- we have not rechecked. But they were checking coccidia. Maybe we should recheck with the sick ones now that we’ve separated them. Is there anything else it could be?
  2. Trinityoaks

    Sick Chickens help!

    Just went out and looked at three chickens very closely and no mites anywhere- I think this is intestinal worms. If the last two dewormers helped but not 100% what would you suggest? Another round (3rd) or different type? Thank you so much @azygous !! Also how can I do a flush on the ones that...
  3. Trinityoaks

    Sick Chickens help!

    Hey! So the second dewormer I think** helped; but we also did Corid AND sprayed permethrin 10 to rule out the itching as well as a few had yellow diarrhea.
  4. Trinityoaks

    Sick Chickens help!

    Hey @azygous ! So the second dewormer I think** helped; but we also did Corid AND sprayed permethrin 10 to rule out the itching as well as a few had yellow diarrhea so treated with Corid. We are desperate at this point after 6 months of no eggs! Tonight we separated those out to watch closer...
  5. Trinityoaks

    Sick Chickens help!

    Thanks so much @azygous !!
  6. Trinityoaks

    Sick Chickens help!

    Thanks! They aren’t laying and yes more lethargic. Just gave worms too for nutrition…starting to see yellowish soft stools like coccidia. Should I treat with corid? Or wait to stool test. This is so annoying 🤪
  7. Trinityoaks

    Sick Chickens help!

    Ok thank you @azygous Should we be seeing improvement if that’s what it was? Or takes a while? They still look rough but eating some
  8. Trinityoaks

    Sick Chickens help!

    Thanks @Wyorp Rock ! I haven’t done granite before. I’ll try that! They’re definitely sick- extremely light weight; vet said 2-3 pounds and they’re usually 6-9. We have layers feed purina and have used TSC brand before; they love to forage (free range) and we give scraps. Just finished the 5...
  9. Trinityoaks

    Sick Chickens help!

    @azygous thanks! Ok I’ll stick to it till Wednesday. You said this medicine doesn’t need to be repeated in 10 days?
  10. Trinityoaks

    Sick Chickens help!

    @Wyorp Rock thanks sooo much for taking the time to respond! All helpful! This is the respiratory meds she prescribed- did 5 total doses and didn’t help at all. We would hear random sneezing but that’s it. I think it might just be one? Really random though not often. They looked at the stool...
  11. Trinityoaks

    Is this Marek's Disease?!

    How are your chickens? Mine are all wasting away too, but no mites or lice. Very anemic and all 6 months or older, with the youngest looking the healthiest. Can’t figure out what’s going on and don’t see any worms in stool. Did just treat for worms today…it’s been 6 months on and off!
  12. Trinityoaks

    Sick Chickens help!

    Thanks so much! I did just get some of that warmer so I’ll try it tomorrow for 5 days! Praying this is it- been 6 months with little to no eggs!
  13. Trinityoaks

    Sick Chickens help!

    @azygous we checked tonight and looks like no mites? Help please! They’re all looking so pale, bad dandruff from malnourishment, and getting worse. Only thing I can think is worms we can’t see in stool? What’s a reproductive disease? Thank you!! These are our babies 💔
  14. Trinityoaks

    Sick Chickens help!

    Thanks! Not molting the vet said they have fevers (everyone has feathers on). And no hidden nest but we have had that before! Actually fences everyone in recently to treat and no one is laying- moved locations to hopefully help with mites. Something is making them all itch a ton even during the...
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