Recent content by TrialandError

  1. TrialandError

    Can chickens move into a coop that has mice?

    Using poison is a horrible idea because something will end up eating it. Then whatever ate the mouse/rat will also die from the poison. It's just a cascade effect and not a good one. Bucket traps work wonders and there are lots of you tube videos on how to make them. Before you put your girls...
  2. TrialandError

    Bear Attack

    I have black bears where I live. One night I had a momma bear and her babies break into my original coop years ago. The next night they tried again and couldn't get in. Never had another problem with them. They want easy meals and if it takes to much effort they give up.
  3. TrialandError

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    Where I am if you shoot a dog you have to kill it I do believe. If you shoot to injure it to try to scare it away you could end up with a fine for causing unnecessary suffering to the dog or something like that. Also the dog has to be on your property when you shoot and kill it. Would check to...
  4. TrialandError

    Chicken napkin holders

    These were my moms. I know everyone here loves chickens and would take good care of them. $10 and shipping is extra
  5. TrialandError

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Over reaching
  6. TrialandError

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Under weight
  7. TrialandError


    Had bears get into my coop tore the food up and dump it all over but ate 10 of my birds. My bears are evil and not nice like you guys bears.
  8. TrialandError

    Coop without a door

    If you have bears in your state defiantly put a door. I just lost 10 birds to bears cause I thought my coop and run was secure enough.
  9. TrialandError

    Abandoning coop!

    For future use of your original coop if you so choose dig a trench around the outside of the coop and nail hardwire mesh to the bottom. Place rock on top of mesh then cover with dirt. I had rats getting in and taking my babies at night. Now no more problems.
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