Recent content by treehouse

  1. treehouse

    Review by '' on item 'Porcelain d'Uccle Bantam'

    We have had several flocks of my favorite chicken, Porcelain D'uccle. Very sweet and gentle. I have however had a few experiences with weakness in chicks and ultimately loosing them. Seems they may be hard to raise?
  2. treehouse

    Identify this chick

    does it have any feathering on the feet, they are gray and clean it looks like?
  3. treehouse

    Need help identifying this chick.

    i agree IB Pied white
  4. treehouse

    Question about year badges

  5. treehouse

    Question about year badges

    alot has changed here :)
  6. treehouse

    Question about year badges

    Hi I was wondering the same thing, I do not have any badges and joined in 2008 :)
  7. treehouse

    How to Butcher a Chicken

    sorry for delay in this post - did not use a meat clever way back when we were processing.
  8. treehouse

    D'uccle Thread

    Hi D'uccle lovers, not sure if this is the place for it or not but I have a Beautiful D'uccle Porcelain Rooster that I would love to trade for a hen ? I am in in North Dallas Texas. I will post this as well on the swap page but just thought I would put it out there :)
  9. treehouse

    Is sieven dust safe for chickens?

    For fleas, a few years ago , I used diatomacous earth....picked up each chicken and dusted them very well myself getting the tail and back and chest really well, almost rubbing it in and then left them some to dust in. I WOULD NEVER personally use Seven or Seven dust , its toxic and all chickens...
  10. treehouse

    HELP WITH COPPER HEADS -Snake problems- what lime to use to burn them and other suggestions

    I am trying to make the chicken coop snake proof as well, there are areas where it is just chicken wire and I really hate to have them, the chicks or eggs accessed by any snake. At our old house we had rat snakes but were able to take care of that .... I would like to make there floor concrete...
  11. treehouse

    HELP WITH COPPER HEADS -Snake problems- what lime to use to burn them and other suggestions

    oh the dog is good, its face and neck did get quite swollen up and my brother in law spent quite a bit of time at the vet and money ;( But she is doing good
  12. treehouse

    HELP WITH COPPER HEADS -Snake problems- what lime to use to burn them and other suggestions

    My sons play area was in the area close to the foundation holes, where we discovered the snake.And the dog got bit. after close inspection there is a hole that goes all the way in and the soil has fallen away from the foundation here too. there is a large hole and many small ones accessing the...
  13. treehouse

    HELP WITH COPPER HEADS -Snake problems- what lime to use to burn them and other suggestions

    A family members dog bit by a copper head. We have a 5 year old that had an entire play area in the same location This area is under the foundation We hired an exterminator they put out traps WE HAVE EVERY KIND OF SNAKE KNOWN TO TEXAS HERE caught many but yet to catch a copper head they laid...
  14. treehouse

    Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

    Thanks Trisha, that is a very funny story- HOW RUDE though :( Some people have no class I would think any experienced breeder of Barnies, has the knowledge to sex a bird. I did not but thats ok :) I will be rehoming some of them , If there is anyone in north dallas area? PM me
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