Recent content by Toogoodoo

  1. Toogoodoo

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Jumping in on the NY thread :frow I'm in Huron, about halfway between Rochester & Syracuse & 5 miles from Lake Ontario :)
  2. Toogoodoo

    Been a few years!

    Well, its been over a year since I came back the first time (have been active on the facebook group here & there with likes/comments/a couple recent posts) ... and I've reappeared with 90-something chickens (I converted the other half once the first 6 landed at home... :lol: He's now suggested...
  3. Toogoodoo

    Been a few years!

    Thanks for the info, I will have to think of a good name swap! This one was where the old farm was, and where my crazy ex lived lol! 😒 Thanks! I actually wanted to move to/closer to the southern tier area - it’s beautiful down there, I guess you could say I kinda ended up opposite 😅, but love...
  4. Toogoodoo

    Been a few years!

    But I am back! Could not for the life of me remember my username, but have been cleaning out an old email inbox and saw an email with it -- and as much as I'd kinda love to change it due to the not so great memories attached to it's meaning, it's my OG name here :) No longer live in South...
  5. Toogoodoo

    ➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

    Mine are only 2 and 3, but Ruger has such a gray muzzle for a 3 year old (he takes after his mama, I'm 31 and my hair is growing out gray - thanks grandma! She was full white haired at 30). And I keep wondering when they grew up ... I got Ruger when he was 7 weeks old, and Emmy at 4 months old...
  6. Toogoodoo

    ➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

    I could absolutely take a nap right now.:caf Sunday I took a nap and it was glorious. We were supposed to wake up at 4, and we slept til 6. Fiance doesn't take many naps on weekends, so it was even more enjoyable to get one in! (Weekends are only time I have to take a nap lol!)
  7. Toogoodoo

    ➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

    Fiance has seen quite a few over the years at the farm, and neighbors who lost their birds have seen one around before too. I've only ever seen a tamed one. I remember being chased by Canadian geese when I was a kid trying to feed ducks at a local pond by my grandma's house. They don't bite...
  8. Toogoodoo

    ➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

    @Morrigan - How terrible it got so many so quick :( I've been surprised it's only been 1 per day, but perhaps the other free-ranging roos were smart enough to get away after it got one. Feel bad for Goot, they went everywhere around the yard together. Only reason we kicked them out of the new...
  9. Toogoodoo

    ➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

    I've been seeing Canadian goslings everywhere - so. much. cute! :love
  10. Toogoodoo

    ➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

    Love baby deer :love Something is getting some of our birds :( First noticed our little tailless roo we called Little Demon Roo (crazy solid black eyes) went missing. Yesterday noticed our Shamu was missing, then this morning fiance noticed Poot the Goose wasn't around, and our female goose...
  11. Toogoodoo

    My Introduction

    Welcome to BYC :frow What a sweet roo! Love the log swing in the coop, and your chicks are little beauties :)
  12. Toogoodoo

    New item in run

    Ours all seem to see anything new as a new place to poop, and are checking it out nanoseconds after we put it in lol.
  13. Toogoodoo

    ➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

    I would LOVE to go to Italy! :love Cabela's/Bass Pro? What a beautiful garden and property! :) I'd love to have a view with some cows in it! (I guess I could look across the street to the fiance's family's property, but our own would be nice too!)
  14. Toogoodoo

    ➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

    Well that's a crazy dream :lol: I hope this one becomes tame like the fiance's last one (this emu's mom) - he used to sit down and it would lay in his lap and rest her head on the ground. They thought it was a male all that time too lol til she laid an egg this year! I love the feathers. Only...
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