Recent content by TLWR

  1. TLWR

    Finally adding new girls

    Last ducklings were 10 years ago. I still have one welsh harlequin left hanging with the chickens. So my three new girls arrived this morning. F/W runner, Welsh Harlequin and a Duclair from Metzer Farms. Arrived in great condition, just as my previous small orders.
  2. TLWR

    Duclair vs Pekin.

    Thank you for that info. I ended up ordering one when I placed my order with Metzer yesterday am. So a new welsh harlequin, f/w runner and the duclair. I went back and forth another 38923 times with the chocolate or black runner and the duclair. If Metzer tracks what goes into and out of a...
  3. TLWR

    Duclair vs Pekin.

    @Stoney Meadow Maple - did you end up getting any Duclairs? What are your thoughts on them? @animalcraker @raggiedoll88 - now that you've had them around a year, what is your experience with them as adults and egg layers?
  4. TLWR

    Help me decide between 2 breeds

  5. TLWR

    Help me decide between 2 breeds

    I'm going to order some ducklings from Metzer again. I only want 3. I've not ordered yet as I keep going back and forth on breed 3. I will be getting a f/w runner and a welsh harlequin Options for #3... black runner, chocolate runner, duclair I've loved having my runners, but at the same...
  6. TLWR

    Lots of questions

    I have a bunch of questions and figured I'd just ask them all in one place rather than starting multiple threads. I started with 3 runner ducks in 2010. Added 2 more and a welsh harlequin in 2012. That Welsh Harlequin is hanging with my chickens now and I'd like to get more ducklings again. I...
  7. TLWR

    I still don't know what she is

    She came from Hoover as part of my English Orpingtons She had fuzzy legs as a baby and still has some feathering on her legs. I still have NO clue whatsoever what she is.
  8. TLWR

    Duckling breeds

    Who's good at identifying breeds in the bins? MY TSC has a decent variety and I'm pretty sure there is pekin, blue swedish, mallard (they seemed small), maybe buff and I couldn't tell if the black one was a runner or cayuga or black swedish or what. This shipment came from Hoover and I was...
  9. TLWR

    Feather leg - what is she?

    She came from Hoover as part of my mixed English Orpingtons. She has feathered legs. Not super crazy feathers, but a good bit. She is a month old now. Hoover has French Black Copper Marans, so I'm leaning toward that, but really have no clue. Here she is when she arrived
  10. TLWR

    Chicken wire vs deer fence for top of run

    Thank you. That was my concern with the plastic fencing. Chicken wire it is then.
  11. TLWR

    Chicken wire vs deer fence for top of run

    We have finished the new run for the girls and now we need to cover it from the hawks. Husband doesn't want to use bird netting as he figures that will break down pretty quick in our weather. That leaves us with chicken wire or maybe deer fencing. Our goal with the top is keeping flying...
  12. TLWR

    English Orpington mix from Hoover - what colors?

    I spoke with Hoover this morning. Their English Orpingtons do not have leg feathers, so she may be a cochin or a blue maran. Or who knows what. We shall see in the coming months :)
  13. TLWR

    English Orpington mix from Hoover - what colors?

    Since we had quite a few deaths, I sent them an email with that info along with a pic of the blue fuzzy leg wonder to see if they can provide input as to what she might be.
  14. TLWR

    English Orpington mix from Hoover - what colors?

    I didn't even notice the feathers on her feet.
  15. TLWR

    English Orpington mix from Hoover - what colors?

    The others are speckled sussex and salmon faverolles
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