Recent content by tlmancuso

  1. T

    Help with Bumblefoot

    It’s old landscaping rock that we’re working on getting rid of, but it’s literally everywhere except the grass. I might be able to fence off the majority of it to keep them out until we can get rid of it. I’m thinking that’s very likely the culprit because they jump off of the ramp a few times a...
  2. T

    Help with Bumblefoot

    Oh and I believe they are all healthy weights. The light Brahma is a heavy bird by nature, but even my little easter egger has a bumble. h and
  3. T

    Help with Bumblefoot

    No splinters, but lots of this awful rock and when they come out of the coop they are jumping down on to the rock on the concrete. We are planning on moving the coop to an area with sand/dirt mix. They are roosting on 2x4’s and standing on the 4inch wide part. I was thinking of having them...
  4. T

    Help with Bumblefoot

    That’s very helpful information! Thank you! I checked out all of my girls today and 5 out of 9 have it. Only one scab was red and meaty. The rest were hard kernels with healthy flesh right underneath the scabs. I did some minor cutting away of the dead flesh and then applied vetericyn gel...
  5. T

    Help with Bumblefoot

    Has anyone had any experience with this?
  6. T

    Help with Bumblefoot

    Three of my hens are exhibiting bumblefoot symptoms. They have hard dark scabs on the bottom of their feet. They don’t seem to be painful. I have been researching causes of bumblefoot and I think my roosts are too high. They are just over 2 feet and 3 feet in a small coop. The hens in question...
  7. T

    When will broody leave nest after some eggs hatching?

    I moved her to a private run this morning and removed the eggs that hadn’t hatched. One quitter and two not fertile. She’s now doing great! Up and around and being a happy momma. I think her legs had lost some circulation due to being so dedicated to the nest.
  8. T

    When will broody leave nest after some eggs hatching?

    I’ve got a place I can move her to tomorrow and we’ll see what happens. Will she eventually leave the non hatched eggs and get back to moving around?
  9. T

    When will broody leave nest after some eggs hatching?

    I have had 5 eggs hatch under my hen on days 21 and 22. 4 eggs are left, but are too dark to candle so I’m wondering when do I remove them from her? Also, when I move her out of the nest to streatch her legs she stays squatting. Will she recover okay from sitting so long? She looks so tired...
  10. T

    Hens with poopy butts

    Over half of my flock have poopy butts. This isn’t something I’ve ever noticed before! They are all acting normal and happy, but are all quite messy. Nothing has changed in their diets. I treated them with corrid this past fall. Could they possibly be needing probiotics?
  11. T

    Reoccurring Bumblefoot

    I am having an issue with reoccurring bumble foot in 2 of my hens. The vet recommended replacing their roosting bars with natural branches. They have been having problems since we changed their roost to 2x4’s. What is common to use as a roost? Our old coop had a round wooden dowel and we had...
  12. T

    Broken Breastbone??

    She is actually doing okay. She's drinking and looks more interested in being alive. Her breastbone hasn't swollen anymore than it did at first and her wounds aren't smelling rancid. I've treated her again today. I'm just trying to get her to eat some treats and hoping she can regain her...
  13. T

    Broken Breastbone??

    my neighbor's dog attacked his hen. I found 2 puncture wounds on her that have been treated, but are infected. She is very sick. I've attatched an image of her breastbone. It's bruised for sure, but not sure what it's supposed to look like. Any input would be appreciated.
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