Recent content by TimG

  1. TimG

    ISO Welsummer Rooster -- Maine

    Sounds great. Will PM contact info.
  2. TimG

    ISO Welsummer Rooster -- Maine

    Which direction? 2 hours doesn't seem like much to me. He is a bit on the young side, but will be earning his keep soon!
  3. TimG

    ISO Welsummer Rooster -- Maine

    Yes, I have been watching Craigslist and FB marketplace but haven't seen anything. Happy to buy and later dispose of somehow, but also happy to "borrow" or rent. Tim
  4. TimG

    ISO Welsummer Rooster -- Maine

    Hello, I live in Greater Portland and have a small backyard laying flock on one year-old hens. I am just a hobbyist, not attempting to show or breed for high production. I would like to hatch some eggs this spring for enjoyment; I will add to my layers and harvest the roosters. My flock is...
  5. TimG

    Vacuum Sealers

    How have you (or others) found the 15" Cabelas sealer works with whole chicken?
  6. TimG

    New Hampshire Reds Question

    Wow, over two years since this thread has been active! I guess the search function does work.
  7. TimG

    German New Hampshire

    I am not a professional... I don't think it is possible to be sure a rooster of any breed will be especially mean or especially friendly. Most of us experience very small sample size, so our personal experience is limited and anecdotal. Anyone can raise chicks. If you purchase New...
  8. TimG

    Chantecler Breeder and Owner Database Project

    I suspect he is doing good things for Chanteclers in his own way. But, he does chase some people off. It's too bad that there doesn't seem to be room for more than one point of view. I don't own any Chanteclers at the moment. I doubt that would be the case if I'd had an easier time finding...
  9. TimG

    Chantecler Breeder and Owner Database Project

    Last time I checked, which I admit was 3-4 years ago, Chantecler Fanciers International kept their breeder list private, you had to be a club member (dues paying) in order to see the list. I was happy when this thread appeared, thinking that there might be a public list as a result...
  10. TimG

    Chantecler Breeder and Owner Database Project

    Lest there be any confusion, they are two separate and distinct breeds despite the fact that they share part of their names.
  11. TimG

    German New Hampshire

    I have a breeding pen and two NH pullets (German), I wish you were closer, I'm sure we could work out a deal.
  12. TimG

    German New Hampshire

    I haven't visited this thread in a while, but thought of it recently and was reminded again by e-mail notification today. I live in Maine, I have two NH pullets that I believe just started laying. I have no NH males. Is there anyone in New England who has New Hampshires (German line)...
  13. TimG

    Chantecler Thread!

    A cushion comb on a pullet hardly shows. As I recall, mine started laying at about 6 months.
  14. TimG

    getting to a delaware

    From online Free Dictionary (medical): mutation /mu·ta·tion/ (mu-ta´shun) a permanent transmissible change in the genetic material. Also, an individual exhibiting such change; a sport. From Merriam Webster: sport an individual exhibiting a sudden deviation from type beyond the normal...
  15. TimG

    getting to a delaware

    Weren't Delawares the result of sports in the breeding of Barred Plymouth Rock roosters and New Hampshire hens?
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