Recent content by Tikka

  1. Tikka

    Are Orpingtons really big, or do they develop differently?

    Barred Rock and Buff Orpington, which we think are the same age based on feathering. Buff Orpington and RIR. The RIR is the most developed as far as feathers go, I'd guess 2.5 weeks old.
  2. Tikka

    Are Orpingtons really big, or do they develop differently?

    Thanks, I'll see about posting pix.
  3. Tikka

    Are Orpingtons really big, or do they develop differently?

    We got 6 chicks from IFA last week, 3 golden sex links for us and 3 variety to raise for my mom, Buff Orpington, RIR and Barred Rock. The RIR and one of the GSLs were just starting tail feathers. The Buff Orpington only had wing feathers but she's the biggest one. Or... is this a symptom of...
  4. Default


  5. Tikka

    What color egg does your MCMURRAY "Americana" lay??? pics??

    My girls aren't from McMurray, but we got two "Ameraucanas". They had muffs and the chipmunk back. One grew the pea comb and lays blue eggs (That's the chick in my profile here). The other had a speckled face that was cute as all get out, but her comb grew in like a rubber glove and her eggs...
  6. Tikka

    Official BYC Poll - What Breed Characteristic Is Most Important?

    For me, Temperament won out since we live in the suburbs and we need sweet, quiet chickens. I almost went with Climate first since it gets dang cold here. After those two, egg production is probably most important.
  7. Tikka

    Egg Song and Neighbors

    Our chicken ordinance forbids roosters and "crowing hens". I hope we don't become the test case for whatever that means.
  8. Tikka

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    9/12 today, and one was powder blue according to my sister. Our first easter egg, and I missed it! I'm pretty sure it really is powder blue since she was an art major. My husband joked about putting a video camera in the coop to see who is laying where (we recently installed a 6 nest box)...
  9. Tikka

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    It only took me two weeks to post this. This is the first egg from our babies, a welsummer named Charlotte. At least, we're pretty sure it was her. She was always the most developed chick. For comparison, one of our red star hen eggs. (We got the red stars as started pullets.)
  10. Tikka

    Spoiled chicken?!?!?!?

    We were afraid to handle our chicks too much, and once they moved outside they always ran away from us. So I guess I've vote for treasuring the companionship. When we have to catch them to clip wings or something, it is utterly exhausting and traumatic. Though I think it's getting better now...
  11. Tikka

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    My husband watched them long enough today to figure out what colors our black stars lay. Stella was laying the lightest eggs of all, and Charlotte the pretty peach colored ones. That brought us to 6/12 as of 1 p.m. but we have some late layers.
  12. Tikka

    Read this online, Should I try it?? Would you??

    Oh, one more thought on whether they are laying yet, and it's that I have only seen crouching behavior from hens that have started to lay. That is when you approach them, and instead of running away they lower their head and jut their shoulders out. My pullets had got bigger than my hens with...
  13. Tikka

    Read this online, Should I try it?? Would you??

    I find my birds do not lay the day after being cooped all day. But you might find out from cooping them one day. I don't know who's laying what. We get 6-8 eggs from 12 birds. I can at least hope the Easter eggers come in green or blue when they start to lay. My welsummers have nice dark...
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