Recent content by tijer021

  1. T

    Mystery illness?

    We found out what is going on with our hen. She has a giant mass inside of her that is basically pushing on everything. 😞 It’s heartbreaking.
  2. T

    Mystery illness?

    Different hen. The other one seems to be just fine now. This hen has not laid an egg since all of this has been going on. That part hasn’t concerned me because I know when hens are unwell, they often won’t lay during that time. She doesn’t appear to have egg bound symptoms, and at this point...
  3. T

    Mystery illness?

    Hello. Almost exactly one month ago, our hen (almost 2) was having a balancing issue. She would almost tip over. It wasn’t necessarily when she walked around, but when trying to groom herself or stretch, etc. About a week or so into this, she was put on meloxicam for 7 days. A vet who is not too...
  4. T

    What is going on?

    I have a hen that has been laying soft eggs this week. In addition to the egg, I have now twice found what looks like a soft egg membrane twisted up, that she pushed out (see photos). Someone told me it is lash egg and that she needs to be on antibiotics. I don’t have access to a vet to confirm...
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