Recent content by Thyme4Chickens

  1. Thyme4Chickens

    lost my favrot hen really deprest

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m very rarely on the forum these days, but I wanted to encourage you to check around your area vet clinics, etc and see if any of them have support groups for those grieving the loss of pets. Online encouragement is great, and if there is also an “in person” group...
  2. Thyme4Chickens

    SO not fair!

    Aart said it! Seriously, we got our first chicks while still building the coop/run. Weather delays had us scrambling to keep them secure. Lots of stress. Build first!!!! Also, we have tons more space in coop and run than the minimum recommendations. It’s only our second year with chickens...
  3. Thyme4Chickens

    My chick won’t walk or eat on its own

    I'm so glad the chick is doing better! No need to apologize for long posts - details are most welcome on this forum! I don't have any experience with hatching, but here's some links to get you started:
  4. Thyme4Chickens

    Dying Chick?PLEASE HELP

    So sorry your chick is ill. I'd check with your neighbor (who you got her from) and see if she has any Corid on hand. Or maybe knows someone who does. That way you could get it started asap and see if it helps.
  5. Thyme4Chickens

    HELP- chick barely moving and keeps eyes shut, what do I do?

    Hi, so sorry about your chick. I don't know much about quail. How is the chick today? Maybe post a pic of the chick and your set-up to give more experienced folks a better picture (haha) of what's going on.
  6. Thyme4Chickens

    Crooked neck

    Hi! Can you post of picture of your chick? Wry neck is a possibility - have a read through this article:
  7. Thyme4Chickens

    My chick won’t walk or eat on its own

    Hi, welcome to BYC! So sorry about your chick. Is s/he still alive? I've got a bunch of questions for you - hopefully your answers will help folks get a better idea of the situation: - Is your chick just a few days old, or was it older when you got it? - is the chick panting? - what is your...
  8. Thyme4Chickens

    Ramp training in hot weather

    Hi Neighbor up north! Do you have pics of the coop? How's the ventilation? I've heard lots of folks have success with the light in the coop method you mentioned. Also, I'd go straight for a high-value treat - for my own chickens, I think they would do anything for scrambled eggs! Or meal worms!
  9. Thyme4Chickens

    Chickens squishing each other at night

    Hi! Are the current roosts PVC? If so, maybe they feel to slick/insecure for night time? I've read about wrapping perches in old bike tire inner tubes. Some...
  10. Thyme4Chickens

    How do I convince my parents to get me baby chicks?

    Here is a Florida state thread - I bet folks there could help you with things specific to your area such as predators, housing, etc:
  11. Thyme4Chickens

    Secular Homeschooling?

    This site as awesome ideas for active learning games/activities - here's the link to the ABC activities:
  12. Thyme4Chickens

    Food Waste, Messy Chicks

    Check this out - tried it this year and much less waste:
  13. Thyme4Chickens

    Not pets

    Hello! Welcome, and please do stick around! There are many very knowledgeable pragmatic chicken keepers on here... after awhile you'll get a feel for what threads you gravitate towards. As your focus is meat and eggs, the Managing your Flock forum has lots of help about integrating new...
  14. Thyme4Chickens

    Hidden eggs!

    Hahaha - sneaky hen(s)! I'd try the egg float test:
  15. Thyme4Chickens

    Need Help!!! Sick girl

    Hi, I'm so sorry Chicken Little is poorly :( Sorry if I missed this info, but: - What breed is she? (I know lots of production breeds tend to decline after a few years) - Has the vet run a fecal? (I know you said they are wormed, but maybe there are worms that need a different treatment?)...
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