Recent content by thumper29a

  1. thumper29a

    Red nub on chick butt

    I had a chick hatch with unabsorbed yolk sac. I left him in incubator to lay there and absorb sac over night and sac did absorb. But there is a pencil eraser size red nub where sac was.. I applied triple antibiotic to it and he's alone in brooder so other chicks don't peck at it. He's walking...
  2. thumper29a

    Temp too high during lockdown

    If there's none pipping you could candle .. You can usually see head making tapping motion if their alive.. Or just wait and see.. I sure hope their just delayed it would be just aweful to wait whole incubation period to find out you lost them.. .. Hoping for the best for you..
  3. thumper29a

    2yo Girl brutal to new 6month old chicken

    If i bring a newbie home.. Usually 2 or more so one wont be singled out.. But i always put the newbies in a cage on the floor so everyone can see them and get used to them being around .. Then after a day or two i release them and keep a close eye on behavior if they persist to really pick on...
  4. thumper29a

    Temp too high during lockdown

    39 is the final number out of 47 eggs.. Not a bad hatch...the other 8 just died in shell no pip?
  5. thumper29a

    Temp too high during lockdown

    Be patient.. Even if you have to give it a couple extra days.. I really doubt one hour affected whole batch
  6. thumper29a

    Temp too high during lockdown

    33 hatched so far..
  7. thumper29a

    Temp too high during lockdown

    If temp rised during lockdown.. You may be ok.. Mine seem fine so far.. Keep me updated.. But i kept steady temp and humidity throughout incubation until that mishap during lockdown
  8. thumper29a

    Temp too high during lockdown

    Update.. 27 have hatched.. Still more pips.. There was 47 eggs total.. Very happy and they are all healthy so far.. I have lost none that hatched and they are quiet and content
  9. thumper29a

    Temp too high during lockdown

    Things are going well. 5 hatched and several pips. So thankful. I sure freaked out when i saw that temp so high. After being very careful the whole time for everything to stay accurate for a good hatch..
  10. thumper29a

    Temp too high during lockdown

    Two pips... Pip Pip hooray
  11. thumper29a

    Temp too high during lockdown

    Thanks.. I'll keep you updated.. I just got a pip.. Praying all goes well..
  12. thumper29a

    Temp too high during lockdown

    No pipping.. But i hear one chirping
  13. thumper29a

    Temp too high during lockdown

    No pips yet either
  14. thumper29a

    Temp too high during lockdown

    Hi everyone.. My eggs are on lockdown.. While i was at work for 10 hrs my temp rose to 105.. Will this effect anything.. Im thinking not beings they are already developed.. But still a little worried.. I candled them all before lockdown and all was well....
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