Recent content by Thomaswgordon

  1. T

    Integrating pullets to adult hens

    Thanks for the info! I’m hoping it’ll get less aggressive as time goes on. We have one RIR that did go into the coop to peck a couple times but for the most part was only chasing in the run.
  2. T

    Integrating pullets to adult hens

    We have 4 adult hens- just over 2 years old. They mostly stay in the attached 10x10 run during the day with occasional free range. We have 4 more pullets that are 8 weeks old, they’ve been separated in the coop for the last 2 weeks. They have been able to see the older hens. Yesterday we removed...
  3. T

    Oyster shell container

    Oh interesting. How big of a bit did you use for holes? I did drill some in my plastic container but maybe not big enough? I don’t want the shell to fall through though
  4. T

    Oyster shell container

    Cute ones. We got a GLW and SLW this season but the GLW is a roo. Thanks for the resources!
  5. T

    Oyster shell container

    I did just give them all 2-3 days of calcium citrate pills. We’ve been getting regular untouched eggs as well. I think they’re only messing with them if they’re cracked already. But I know the calcium deficiency which is why I’m trying to trouble shoot the oyster shell that they’ve had access...
  6. T

    Oyster shell container

    Ha go figure is right! I didn’t consider inside the coop. Thanks
  7. T

    Oyster shell container

    We have oyster shell currently in a Chinese leftover container attached to the side of our run. It gets wet with rain and gets very hard in clumps-I’m thinking this is why we’ve been having some soft and broken eggs. Looking for suggestions on what people store their oyster shell in...
  8. T

    Sick hen

    I think I’m going to try to give all the girls a calcium tab today and tomorrow just because of the random breaking eggs. And then we’ll just leave it at that and hopefully with the more dry oyster shell we’ll be good to go.
  9. T

    Sick hen

    I hope so, she didn’t get any yesterday because I was at work and my wife wasn’t able to get her to take it by herself.
  10. T

    Sick hen

    Update: she stayed separated in our garage for 24 hours. She got one calcium tab and the epsom bath. She’s back with her friends and has a nice bright red comb and appears to be moving nicely. We found one egg inside the coop with a messy poop on it, hoping it’s from her. Thanks everyone for...
  11. T

    Sick hen

    I’m not sure if it’s been the same hen laying soft eggs this whole time or not. I’ll give her the pill for a couple days though. They’re just on regular feed with supplement oyster shell. I couldn’t feel anything noticeably hard just seemed little full.
  12. T

    Sick hen

    Just tagging you so you know of the update
  13. T

    Sick hen

    She was moving a little more this afternoon but still not back to normal. We just gave a bath and gave the calcium. Her vent maybe looks inflammed and she just had a very watery poop. We have been having often broken eggs, just had another from a different hen. Can I give them all a calcium...
  14. T

    Sick hen

    Ok how do I give the calcium and epsom bath? How much epsom to water ratio. We trimmed her butt a month or so ago to clean it up. What dewormer do you recommend
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