Recent content by thomasboyle

  1. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Checked my 5 cameras this week, and got some good pics.
  2. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Took this picture today.
  3. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    I was shocked to get a moose pic. I saw a moose running down the road 7-8 years ago and got a pic of a young moose with no rack 2 years ago. Wonder if this one is the same one 2 years older. Now if I can get a mountain lion pic.
  4. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Its been a while since I posted pics. Got some good ones this fall. Date stamp on the moose pic is wrong!
  5. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Checked my cameras today. Got some good pics of bear, deer, fox, coyote and bobcat. Seeing more adults and young ones.
  6. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Haven't posted in a while, so here are some recent pics from the wilds of Connecticut!
  7. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Been busy and have not checked the cameras in a few weeks. Caught a pic of my first otter. Also pics of bears, bobcat, coyote, fox, hawks, coons.
  8. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Caught some nice pics of deer, fox, bobcat, coyote, heron but no bears this time!
  9. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Being youngster, I would doubt it was tagged for causing problems. We live in the county, and bears can't really get into official trouble. They get trouble tagged if the go into the suburbs or cities. A young bear won't normally wander that far. The DEP tags young bears to track their movements.
  10. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    My wife took these pics yesterday with my Nikon. Not a trail camera, but the pics were good!
  11. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Lots of bear pics this week. Found out we have a mother and older cub. First time we caught 2 bears in one pic. Also bobcat and lots of raccoons, but surprisingly no coyotes!
  12. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Great shots of the south end of the critter going north! Amazing what goes on when you are not around isn't it?! I was thinking I need to place another camera facing this camera, so I can get pics of them coming and going!
  13. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Got a pic of my first moose. Bears are about, as are the coyotes and bobcats.
  14. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Nice cabin overlooking the pond! I just saw a young beaver on the pond a few days ago. They say if a beaver lives in your pond, you have good water quality. Mine have not caused any issues so I enjoy having them around.
  15. thomasboyle

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Yes, the camera is on a path I maintain around my pond. The pond is about 400' long and 75' wide, and 8 feet deep at the deepest.
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