Recent content by ThenNotSoChickenMaster

  1. T

    Feed is accumulating in rooster's throat!

    I did a little experiment. Like I said, I have two roosters living together, the Naked-Neck with his throat issue and a RIR. I wanted to see how he ate with the RIR there and how he ate without him. When the RIR was there, he did gobble the feed. He always chases him off when he sees the RIR...
  2. T

    Feed is accumulating in rooster's throat!

    Sorry I didn't post haha, Christmas got in the way. Yes, actually he is with another rooster. They are both separated from the girls to give each other a break. We gave them feed and the ball appeared again on him. I'll start to wet the feed before giving it to them now.
  3. T

    Feed is accumulating in rooster's throat!

    Right now, no. But we do have hay spread out inside the coop.
  4. T

    Feed is accumulating in rooster's throat!

    I did what you guys asked and I think it worked! The ball is now smaller but the feed is still making its way down the throat. I am going to give him more water today. Thanks everyone!
  5. T

    Feed is accumulating in rooster's throat!

    Here he is. I noticed white foamy stuff is coming out of his mouth. Is it just spit?
  6. T

    Feed is accumulating in rooster's throat!

    Right now when I was closing the coop I noticed my 3 year-old naked-neck rooster has a huge ball in his throat! It's really hard and I think it's his feed. I think it's building up! He is just standing there kinda opening and closing his mouth. I tried to give him some water (not with syringe...
  7. T

    It's me, I'm back!

    Welcome back! :ya
  8. T

    Should I butcher bullied hen

    Sure. If that is what you want.
  9. T

    high roost

    You can add a temporary roost, but like @featheredplanets mentioned, they will most likely sleep in the nesting box.
  10. T

    Broody silkie has no feathers on her stomach

    Completely normal. Broody chickens pluck the feathers off their stomach and place their warm skin on top of the eggs to keep them warm.
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