Recent content by Their Other Mother

  1. Their Other Mother

    Their Other Mothers Page

    Hello Everyone, I am "Their Other Mother" and I found this site while searching for new and unique designs for my new Chicken Coop. Some of you are so creative and others are very resourcefull and frugal! Thank you for shareing your great ideas! My Husband and I live on a small ranch in...
  2. Their Other Mother

    Christians, have you ever watched this man?

    Speaking of Joyce Meyers.... Please keep her and her staff in prayer! Tuesday night a security guard at her office complex had his entire family brutally murdered. Apperantly there had been death threats to him and Joyce...
  3. Their Other Mother

    Obama Vegetable Garden

    Quote: Yes, I bet they'll have zucchini. It'll be the new must-have souvenir in the gift shop. ...Or they could be given as "green" gifts to foriegn dignetaries..... pardon the pun.......
  4. Their Other Mother

    Milking a corriente roping cow

    We live in the Roping Mecca of the World where 1 in 3 homes has their own roping arena thus providing for a surplus of Corriente Cattle. I grew up on a dairy in Western PA (but moved to the wilds of AZ as a small kid) and really miss the fresh milk and other dairy products. My Sister & I have...
  5. Their Other Mother

    Email notices

    So just post some sort of comment like "Wow" OR "hmmm" and then follow them under " show your posts"
  6. Their Other Mother

    Arizona Chickens

    Quote: Where in Arizona are you? I live in the Glendale/Phoenix area and bought our barrred rock chicks at the Stock Shop ($3 each). I've been very happy with all my chicks from there - they've all been healthy and the last bunch have all been sexed correctly. Also, Pratt's feed store in...
  7. Their Other Mother

    Arizona Chickens

    Thanks everyone. I forgot about the 35th Ave & Happy Valley spot. Although I've never been there I have seen ads in the paper. As for Feed: It is high! I have found C & H Hay/Feed on the west side of Cave Creek rd, just north of Bell to be the least expensive. next is Pet Food Depot just...
  8. Their Other Mother

    Painting the coop

    Quote: I totally agree! I have just built a new coop and wish I had painted the inside first. Now just to paint it I have a huge chicken dust and poop mess to clean up. And It will preserve the wood.
  9. Their Other Mother

    Somebody tie me down!

    You don't have to open the incubater to mess around with unhatched eggs or the shells. Just take out one of the red plugs for the top vent, get yourself some long wooden skewers ( like for the BBQ) and reach in through the hole. I learned this from my 10 year old MMR daughter. Cought her in...
  10. Their Other Mother

    What are YOUR laws?

    Cave Creek, AZ. This is my back yard...Any trespassers comin' round trying to complain will have to find me first. The local general store sells a little sign, like a road sign that says, "Trespassers will be shot. Survivers will be shot again!"
  11. Their Other Mother

    OMG! Don't look the gift horse in the mouth. Update post #23

    What a great Gift! I would offer her some meat too. As for transporting that many, we used to take chickens down to Mexico for our mission trips. We just put them in the bed of a pick up truck and tied a tarp over top. One time they were really making noise when we were crossing the border...
  12. Their Other Mother

    Sourdough Bread—It's Easy!

    Wow!! We would like to go off the grid. Back to bread: Do you grind your own wheat? I have an old Magic Mill stone grinder for my wheat. It has a moter and a hand crank. I make about 3 loaves of whole wheat bread a week. Sometimes Red wheat and sometimes white wheat. I find the hard red...
  13. Their Other Mother

    In which MJ gets all her baking done! Success! Thanks Guys!

    PPFFF.......I cook like that all the time!
  14. Their Other Mother

    Question concerning feed mix for laying flock

    Great info except the prices have doubled in the last year!
  15. Their Other Mother

    Bobcat Showdown

    My neighbors swear by guineas to keep rattle snakes out of the yard! Wonder what makes them like that when the other just run around and get eaten?
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