Recent content by thedreya

  1. thedreya

    New Layer

    Here's most of the girls, minus the two who've decided to get broody already. The red one beneath the crossed branches on the upper left has had me guessing for months but I'm pretty sure I'm seeing hackle feathers on it now (hatched mid-November). The rest are all hens. Even Snowy there on the...
  2. thedreya

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    👋 Hey fellow Pennsylvanians! I'm looking for a bantam Cochin cockerel within a 3-hour drive of Philadelphia, anyone have any leads? Don't need show quality, though I'm favoring conformation over color. My flock is mixed Cochin/Easter Egger with a wee splash of Sebright. Ultimately I'd love to...
  3. thedreya

    New Layer

    Er, thank you! I totally forgot I'd done this back in 2019. And apparently back on 2012 too?? I must have time-traveled to get that 10 year badge 😅 I'm more than a little birdbrained.
  4. thedreya

    New Layer

    I come from a family of dairy farmers and we've always had chickens. Finally got my own personal flock a few years ago when I became a homeowner. I love bantam chickens and my flock is a Cochin/Easter Egger mix, with a wee bit of Sebright thrown in. Right now there's 14 hens, which is about 5...
  5. thedreya

    Long-time enthusiast, first-time owner

    Hi there, I'm from southeast Pennsylvania farm country. My family has farm roots and has always had chickens, and I've helped parents and siblings raise them for years. I've finally got my own property and have decided that I would love my own flock just for fun (everyone I know is overflowing...
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