Recent content by thecatspyjamas

  1. thecatspyjamas

    One hen pecking others

    I thought I'd update for anyone interested. I ordered the pinless peepers on Monday and the next morning I went to check on them and she'd managed to get out of her enclosure and was mingling with the rest of the hens. So far there has been no more pecking, so I guess technically the peepers...
  2. thecatspyjamas

    One hen pecking others

    Thank you!
  3. thecatspyjamas

    One hen pecking others

    I've always had 4, so I don't know if it's just that hen or what. I would try the peepers first. The ones I've had longer are about 3 and the 2 newer ones are less than a year.
  4. thecatspyjamas

    One hen pecking others

    I think she was probably eating feathers first, then began pecking. I didn't notice the feathers were gone until one was bleeding. It didn't look like the pecking had been going on long before I separated her. I can't tell what she was doing the last two times I let her out, but this time she...
  5. thecatspyjamas

    One hen pecking others

    I was feeding Nature's Best Organic Egg Layer Pellets and switched to Kalmbach 17% layer pellets. That's what I usually give them, but didn't reorder in time and had to buy some from the store. The run is 6'x12'.
  6. thecatspyjamas

    One hen pecking others

    I have 4 hens (2 buff orpingtons, 1 copper maran mix, 1 ameracauna/leghorn mix). They don't free range but have a big run with sand. A month or more ago one of the Orpingtons was being pecked and was bleeding, so I separated her. After that, I saw the copper maran pecking another one, then when...
  7. thecatspyjamas

    Introducing a young chick to adults

    I believe it was born Jan 28, but not sure. I am trying to get them to keep it with the little ones until it's a little older. One of mine is a Polish Crested. She's small, but pretty feisty. The other is big, but old. If I get her, I'll definitely keep them apart for a while. Thanks for the...
  8. thecatspyjamas

    Introducing a young chick to adults

    Thanks so much!
  9. thecatspyjamas

    Introducing a young chick to adults

    I just found out today I may be getting a young chick, probably 2-3 weeks old. It's a runt, but healthy (as far as I know). I have 2 grown chickens and they have a coop and run, although they never go in the coop and choose to stay in the run. How far away does the new bird need to be while...
  10. thecatspyjamas

    My big ol' chickens won't go in the coop!

    I will try to post a pic later. I believe I have enough ventilation, I was probably just being over cautious. I planned to keep the door from the coop to the run open until cold weather for extra ventilation. But I guess that didn't work out so well since they stay in the run all the time. I got...
  11. thecatspyjamas

    My big ol' chickens won't go in the coop!

    Of course the bigger one is the leader....
  12. thecatspyjamas

    My big ol' chickens won't go in the coop!

    I wish I had done that...I got them in the hottest part of summer. I live in Alabama so it gets pretty hot and muggy so I was kind of afraid to lock them inside there, I guess. I'm wondering if a nest box inside the run would keep them warm enough. I can pick up one sand get her in the coop, but...
  13. thecatspyjamas

    My big ol' chickens won't go in the coop!

    I'm pretty new to raising chickens. I've had two since this summer. I've looked over a lot of posts and gotten a lot of good info. So, I have 2 huge chickens. They are "rescues" and I didn't realize how big they'd get if I left food out all the time. OOPS! I recently starting leaving their...
  14. thecatspyjamas

    Hello from Alabama!

    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! Tammy--so you know someone in Scottsboro with chickens? That's good news....I just put in an email to the city to make sure its ok to have some here. I'm a little nervous about starting--not sure how much work this is going to be. Also I have 7 cats...
  15. thecatspyjamas

    Hello from Alabama!

    My name is Denise--I'm just starting to do some research before I dive in! I live in Scottsboro, AL and I'm not sure if there are any laws against having chickens in town, so I am waiting to hear back about that before I do anything. I'm only wanting a few chickens for eggs and hopefully some...
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