Recent content by TheBeardie

  1. TheBeardie

    Respiratory infection? Sneezing & wheezing.

    She's not making that particular sound this morning but quite a few of the flock are wheezing, honking and generally sounding like trash. He's the only one with swelling. It was very minor swelling just above his eye until I checked him this morning. His face is completely swollen on just that...
  2. TheBeardie

    Respiratory infection? Sneezing & wheezing.

    Sometime in Nov or Dec I noticed my rooster had some missing feathers right above his eye I didn't think it was particularly swollen since I didn't really a a reference to how that area is supposed to look. It is a little swollen from what I can tell of the other side of his face. Otherwise no...
  3. TheBeardie

    18 day old chick respiratory issue. Gasping and weak.

    Still not doing good. Still no sound when gasping. Still tired and weak.
  4. TheBeardie

    18 day old chick respiratory issue. Gasping and weak.

    A dozen chicks hatched at the beginning of the month. Some from shipped eggs, some not. The chick in question is definitely bantam and most likely cochin. I just noticed the breathing issues today. A video The chick is gasping pretty constantly and gets real weak and tired often. The breathing...
  5. TheBeardie

    October 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    Unfortunately that little one didn't make it though the zip.:( I took it out when I had to open the incubator to add water. The chick seemed to have turned too far without cracking the shell, got wedged in and couldn't breathe. In better news, so far 4 babies are out and plenty of other pips...
  6. TheBeardie

    White inner membrane?

    It's about day 20 on my hatch, so I'm not too concerned about not hatching yet. But, I am considered about my humidity dipping to 35ish(lower than what it was though most of the incubation!) while I was asleep. Probably for hours. This has been remedied with a different water dish and the...
  7. TheBeardie

    October 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    A little update. It's day 18 for me, as I was removing the automatic turner earlier I noticed one of the bantams broke though the air cell! The little one externally pipped some time after that, though I'm not sure when since I was out of the house for a couple hours. Hopefully by morning I'll...
  8. TheBeardie

    October 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    I'll be right on the cusp of sep-oct hatch date but I figured I'd just post here! It's the 11th day for these guys. The first picture is all shipped bantam Cochin eggs. Out of the 13 set 12 are developing wonderfully! Great movement and only two have funky air cells. I'm genuinely surprised how...
  9. TheBeardie

    Shipped eggs. Most common time for quitters?

    Yeah, I let them sit about 24 hours before putting them in the incubator.
  10. TheBeardie

    Shipped eggs. Most common time for quitters?

    This is my first time hatching shipped eggs. Out of the 13 I received 12 are developing really well at day 8. Nice healthy veins and at least a little movement from all eggs. Overall they seem to be doing better than the local eggs I'm also hatching, actually. Should I expect quitters In the...
  11. TheBeardie

    Flock/Life Journey's 2019

    Hey guys! I just wanted to drop by with some pictures.
  12. TheBeardie

    Year old hen with possible bumble foot, fowlpox and breathing issues.

    The more I watch her the more it looks like the limping is the main problem. The spot on the comb is wiping off. It didn't look like fowlpox to me either thats why it was concerning, good thing it was just some urates! The heavy breathing seems to be from the heat and the effort of walking with...
  13. TheBeardie

    Help IDENTIFY our new ducks!

    They look like Muscovies to me! The up-close picture looks to be chocolate colored, heres my chocolate drake.
  14. TheBeardie

    Year old hen with possible bumble foot, fowlpox and breathing issues.

    I have a hen, well a year on the 22, that is limping and seems to have a sore on the top of her foot, breathing slightly heavy and has some issues with her comb. Fowlpox is starting to go through my standard girls with little difficulty just some sores. She has a white patch that is strange to...
  15. TheBeardie

    Duck Breeds

    I've had Welsh harlequins and crested mix breed ducks before. I remember them both being okay egg layers and them being loud when they wanted to. If I remember correctly crested ducks aren't technically a breed, they just have a hole in the skull that allows the feathers to grow in the afro...
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