Recent content by TheAlarmCluck

  1. TheAlarmCluck

    Ended Text to Image Challenge—"Chicken Making Breakfast"

    YAY!! Congrats everyone. I completely forgot about this competition! I can't believe I got top 3 in waterfowl! :wee :wee :wee :wee :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
  2. TheAlarmCluck

    Hatching chicks and ducklings under broody hen at the same time

    Thanks! This post is a little outdated. Our Black Orpington successfully hatched 5/6 ducklings. We decided not to try with the chick eggs, as ducks would already be a new thing for us. The little ducklings hatched perfectly and are doing well! Their mama doesn't even care when they go for a...
  3. TheAlarmCluck

    Hatching chicks and ducklings under broody hen at the same time

    Thanks for the info. I never knew that a hen would kill some of the chicks/ducklings because they look different. I'll have to look into that topic. Thanks! :thumbsup
  4. TheAlarmCluck

    Hatching chicks and ducklings under broody hen at the same time

    Our Black Orpington has gone broody again!!! She just finished raising her first batch of chicks! :jumpy:sick We tried everything possible to break her broodiness, but it didn't work. We even tried to give her some 2-day-olds from tractor supply, but she refused to accept them (we are raising...
  5. TheAlarmCluck

    Counting your chickens

    Currently, I have 11 chickens in the coop - 5 hens (including one broody), 2 pullets, 2 cockerels, and the last 2 can be either pullets or roos. We also have 6 Wyandotte chicks in the brooder, as we are looking to expand our flock. One of our hens went broody a few weeks ago, so we gave her 6...
  6. TheAlarmCluck

    What’s wrong

    That sounds like Bumblefoot. An Epsom salt bath is best. After the foot bath, her feet will be tender, and you can try removing any scabs on her foot. You should also disinfect with Neosporin or something similar. After removing the scabs, you must wrap the foot in bandages to protect that area...
  7. TheAlarmCluck

    I'm doing fine, and you? :thumbsup

    I'm doing fine, and you? :thumbsup
  8. TheAlarmCluck

    Comment by 'TheAlarmCluck' in article 'How To Teach Your Puppy To Be Trustworthy Around Your Poultry'

    Thanks for the informative reply! I'll definitely consider Collies and Aus. Shepherds, because the predators here aren't as big as bears or coyotes. Thanks for the help.
  9. TheAlarmCluck

    Comment by 'TheAlarmCluck' in article 'How To Teach Your Puppy To Be Trustworthy Around Your Poultry'

    @Allsfairinloveandbugs I read this article and I think it is great information. I have a few questions. Which dog breeds have you had most success with? Which breeds would you recommend for protecting the flock in general? I am thinking about getting a puppy because I have been having many...
  10. TheAlarmCluck

    Review by 'TheAlarmCluck' in article 'How To Teach Your Puppy To Be Trustworthy Around Your Poultry'

    This is excellent information! It was hard to find good information about socializing pups and chickens in such a simple and comprehensive format, and from a chicken-keeper's perspective. This new knowledge will definitely be very useful, as I am thinking about getting a puppy soon. :thumbsup
  11. TheAlarmCluck

    Missing chick

    Probably related to whatever is eating your eggs and chicks. You should try some methods to get rid of snakes or at least make the brooders snake-proof.
  12. TheAlarmCluck

    Roo or Not

    Can't you enlarge the space before you get the chickens? If not, you should wait at least 5-7 weeks and then get rid of the roos. I'm sure an extra hen or two won't be a problem. :thumbsup Garage or coop is both fine. Just make sure the coop is safe from predators.
  13. TheAlarmCluck

    Roo or Not

    Extra Tip: You should keep the roosters separate or give them away. 3 roosters to one hen is a terrible ratio, and the hen will likely lose all of her feathers or suffer extensive amounts of stress.
  14. TheAlarmCluck

    Roo or Not

    Right. You have 3 roosters :(. The 1st, 2nd, and 4th are definitely roosters 110%. Whoever sexed them probably lacked experience, or maybe they made a shipping mistake. You might be able to get a refund from TSC. Since they only had a 25% correct percentage, you should give them a call. :thumbsup
  15. TheAlarmCluck

    9 week old brahmas. Genders?

    The thing about the eyes makes a lot of sense. The roosters I've had also had different eyes. They look much more alert and "piercing", as you said.
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