Recent content by the_finch_family

  1. the_finch_family

    Brooder temp for baby pigeons?

    They've actually been on a mix of recovery formula and soaked pigeon seed mix that my adult pigeons eat. I honestly doubt it's malnutrition, unless I'm missing something? They get about 30% recovery formula for the protein content, the rest is, as I said, soaked seed with added grit. Also...
  2. the_finch_family

    18 day old pigeon lacking head feathers?

    I'd think it's normal, but his 1 day younger sibling already has his head feathers coming in at once
  3. the_finch_family

    18 day old pigeon lacking head feathers?

    Hello! I'm raising 2 babies right now, and the older one seems to only be sprouting a few feathers on his head while his/her sibling almost has a full head. Is this normal? Could it be a sign of something going wrong? They're growing well, and are very energetic, this is pretty much the only...
  4. the_finch_family

    Brooder temp for baby pigeons?

    These two are actually my indoor pigeons' kids! First baby pigeons I've ever raised. Honestly, the main reason is that I need the experience for the future. I'm normally working on wildlife resques, but have branched out more to domestic species. There's a small flock of feral pigeons in my...
  5. the_finch_family

    Brooder temp for baby pigeons?

    Thank you so much for this response! This honestly makes a lot of sense. First time I'm having baby pigeons, and goodness they are CHUNKY. I'll put that in my notes and they should be good to go once I get everything ready for them 😁
  6. the_finch_family

    Brooder temp for baby pigeons?

    Hi, I'm preparing to handraise 2 pigeons, and the last piece of information that I haven't been able to verify through multiple sources is a brooder temp chart for babies 5 days + The chicks will be 5 and 6 days old in two days, which is when I'm planning on starting the handfeeding. I'm...
  7. the_finch_family

    Transporting ducklings over a long distance

    Thank you so much! That's a very good point, I think I'll go ahead and do that with the food and water. Maybe every hour or two? What do you think?
  8. the_finch_family

    Transporting ducklings over a long distance

    Hello, I was wondering if any of you have some tips. I ordered a few muscovy ducklings from a man that lives around a 8-9h drive away. I've driven this distance with very young ducklings before, and it went okay but honestly I was mostly stressing through the entire drive... What I did last...
  9. the_finch_family

    Zebra finch identification

    Hello! I just got this beautiful boy today along with 3 others. Aside from pied, what mutation do you guys think he has? My first guess was fawn isabel, but then why is there no cheek marking? TIA!
  10. the_finch_family

    Less pricessed duck feed

    Well of course, I guess I worded it wrong. What I meant is, would it make more sense to make my own mix entirely, or get a ready mix, maybe like some pigeon food, and add in what it's missing for it to be right for ducks.
  11. the_finch_family

    Less pricessed duck feed

    Hi! I would really like to switch my ducks to a feed that's not as processed as the pellets are. Would it make sense financially to buy bulk grains and mix myself, or is there a feed available that has more whole grains which I could add onto to make it fitting for the ducks? TIA!
  12. the_finch_family

    Ducklings and goslings (brooder ideas)

    Here's the greenhouse. I think I'll go with using that, since I trust it being warmer in there during the summer. I just made the base and stairs for it last night. All in a days work 😅 Do you have pictures of the warming tray? I haven't thought of that, but it definitely sounds like a very...
  13. the_finch_family

    What breed are those geese?

    Those definitely look a lot more like it! I think we found a winner thankcyou so much!
  14. the_finch_family

    What breed are those geese?

    I've noticed they're giant. For a little while, I thought those were just the males but no, appearantly it's a different breed.
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