Recent content by The Burg Peeps

  1. The Burg Peeps

    Comment by 'The Burg Peeps' in article 'Chicken Coop Project'

    I really love your coop! Beautiful!
  2. The Burg Peeps

    My very first chicks!

    Super cute! Enjoy you little chickies!
  3. The Burg Peeps

    Hello from Western Washington State

    Enjoy your time here!
  4. The Burg Peeps

    What is best breed for backyard flock?

    Thanks for the advice everyone. I think we will get some Rouens for sure and maybe some Pekins as well just because they are good egg layers. They all seem to have positives and negatives so it makes it a tough choice.
  5. The Burg Peeps

    What is best breed for backyard flock?

    We are hoping to get a few backyard ducks. Our options are Pekin, Rouen and Muscovy. In the area I live there isn't much available to be shipped or otherwise. I am wondering what people suggest as being the best breed for the backyard flock. We are wanting decent egg layers and foragers as...
  6. The Burg Peeps

    Moving our Hens??

    To make a long story short, we were forced to remove our birds from our yard and placed them into a local CSA coop. We now are moving to an agricultural zone and were planning on bringing our birds back home. Recently we have discovered that the birds at the CSA are carrying lice. I believe...
  7. The Burg Peeps

    The Burg Peepss Chicken Coop

    Thursday, May 10, 2012 BTC ACRE... Coming Along We adopted 4 3 week old chicks from one of Aaron's coworkers. The coworker had purchased 4 day old chicks for his kids at Easter. They spent time watching them grow simply for the experience and were ready to get rid of them. Aaron offered...
  8. The Burg Peeps

    Official Poll 2011 - Are Chickens Easier or Harder To Raise Than...

    Beyond the work of chickens (that being relatively minor), I do believe they have far more reward than many other pets. If you take into consideration that chickens provide you with fresh, nutritious eggs each and every day, I think they are far superior to dogs, cats and rabbits, unless of...
  9. The Burg Peeps

    rest in peace daisy

    losing a pet is always difficult. Just focus on how you gave her a great life.
  10. The Burg Peeps

    25 weeks old, and nothing to show for it!

    I would try hanging a light in the coop to simulate daylight since it is late fall and they may not lay. Good Luck.
  11. The Burg Peeps

    has anyone else ever done this?

    Its easy to get addicted. If I didn't have 2 kids 3 and 1 I would be on here way more!
  12. The Burg Peeps

    Look what I found this morning

    Congratulations!! I recently found a super mini egg from a new layer! Not sure if it was from a Chantecler or Barred Rock. Chickens are so fascinating!
  13. The Burg Peeps

    Predator deterrents?? What are people using??

    Also simply spreading human hair clippings (ex:from an electric shaver) around the parameter of the area will also deter many ground predartors. A large dog would be your best bet I would think... also depends on your surroundings.
  14. The Burg Peeps

    My Chicks Pics at 2 weeks old

    Congratulations! They are adorable. Enjoy.
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