Recent content by tessandherducks

  1. tessandherducks

    Duck loosing all flight feathers

    My one-year-old Muscovy duck has recently been losing all her flight feathers. It's strange because she's only losing feathers from her wings and not anywhere else on her body So I don’t think she is molting. None of my other ducks are experiencing this issue. Is this a normal thing that...
  2. tessandherducks

    Underweight duck

    yes, she took them back luckily and has been a good mum since. not sure why she was of the nest this morning but she is happy with them now : )
  3. tessandherducks

    Underweight duck

    this morning i went to check on mama and she was completely off the nest but her ducklings where still in the nest freezing. i tried putting her back on but she instantly ran back off. I have bring them inside to warm up and will set up a brooder after trying with mama again
  4. tessandherducks

    Underweight duck

    she is doing great!
  5. tessandherducks

    Underweight duck

    they are all out now and doing well. just needed a bit of help. i think they where all shrink rapped as yesterday when they where pipped petunia got of the nest for a break.
  6. tessandherducks

    Should I have an all drake flock or add female ducks?

    my drake is only 11 months : ). Although he is lovely with the girls he is a bit timid around humans and try's to run away from me, I would love if he was a bit more confidant like my girls are :D.
  7. tessandherducks

    Underweight duck

    Hi, I decided to help a few of them out and they had absorbed their yolk and where definitely ready to come out. not sure why they couldn't unzip themselves, i am leaving the other 3 eggs as i can see some blood still and they are chewing so they are still absorbing the yolk but the 5 that are...
  8. tessandherducks

    Underweight duck

    one of the ducklings has hatched, but I am worried about the other 6, they all pipped about 48 hours ago and haven't started to unzip yet. they are all cheeping from inside the egg, will i need to assist? They look shrink rapped I think but I could be wrong.
  9. tessandherducks

    Should I have an all drake flock or add female ducks?

    My drake is a really lovely boy, and I don’t have problems with him over-mating my 3 females or with aggression. But I think it is just depends On the drakes personality. this is him! 💗
  10. tessandherducks

    Underweight duck

    All the eggs have pipped 💗🐣
  11. tessandherducks

    Underweight duck

    petunia is doing so well!!!!! eating and drinking well! I did have to take some of the eggs away as I couldn't find enough homes but the 8 she have are doing so well and developing and moving around nicely when candled. hatch day is 1st of September i think but I haven't kept exact amount of...
  12. tessandherducks

    Underweight duck

    Hi, the vet said that her tummy is wrinkly because she is a bit dehydrated but said that she was pretty good apart from that. She has given me some special food to feed through a syringe as a last resort if she doesn’t want to eat for days at a time, but since making her drink more she seems to...
  13. tessandherducks

    Underweight duck

    We rang the vet today and their only available appointment was for tommorow at 6pm as the poultry vet wasn’t in today, but petunia was doing pretty well today (eating, drinking, preening and biting 😂) but her Carnicles on her face are a bit discoloured and she is still skinny but has kept her...
  14. tessandherducks

    Underweight duck

    Luckily one of my other girls is always trying to sit on petunias nest and I have had to separate them, so she can keep the nest arm while we are at the vet. 😊 I have added vitamins To the water 👍
  15. tessandherducks

    Underweight duck

    her skin still seems unusual. And she doesn’t want to eat that much! Her eggs are developing well. I realised that in Uk it is a bank holiday Monday so the vet was still going to be very exspencive today so am going tommorow X I am pretty sure it’s just to do with the eggs and her wanting to...
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