Recent content by TeriyakiChicken

  1. TeriyakiChicken

    How many eggs to expect by age from Black Australorps?

    Australorps = amazing layers I have 2 and they both lay about 5-6 times a week. When they get older, they will still lay, just not as often Good Luck Teriyaki
  2. TeriyakiChicken

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Is it possible to get 2 eggs out of one hen?? I never thought it was but my Australorp hen either laid 2 eggs today or laid one late last night and I collected it this morning and one in the afternoon... I GOT 3 EGGS!!!!!!!
  3. TeriyakiChicken

    Are there hens that just don't ever lay??

    Silkie's barely ever lay My silkie pullet has laid 6 eggs in her lifetime and she is about 8 or 9 months old EDIT: I know you weren't talking about silkies, I just wanted to be part of the conversation because I don't have brahmas
  4. TeriyakiChicken

    antisocial barred rock

    x2 I once had an anti-social polish pullet. Well, I think she was anti-social... Either that or she couldn't see much from her crest Hope that it's a hen so you can keep her
  5. TeriyakiChicken

    When did your Black Australorps start to lay?

    mine were about 23-24 weeks Good luck! Hope your girls lay you lots of eggs Teriyaki
  6. TeriyakiChicken

    Supposedly Broody Hen, But No Eggs....

    Hello everyone! My Australorp pullet (8 months old) has been behaving oddly in the past few days. She has been plucking a few feathers out, and just won't get off the nest. However, she does not like to sit on her eggs (which are unfertilised), she prefers to sit on the cochin's eggs. I...
  7. TeriyakiChicken


    *shoots mouldy oranges out of some huge gun*
  8. TeriyakiChicken

    Waiting to Exhale ~ a short story

    Cliffhanger??!!!??!?!??! I need more!
  9. TeriyakiChicken

    this one is for magicpigeon

    You two really confuse me
  10. TeriyakiChicken

    For $10 Would You......

    Yes wouldn't be too bad. for $10 would you ride a bull? (a real one, not a mechanical one )
  11. TeriyakiChicken

    ~*•*~Best Wyandotte of The Year VOTING~*•*~ Open to ALL BYC users!

    Darn! I should've entered this contest!
  12. TeriyakiChicken

    The life of Sonnata!

    Can't wait!
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