Tennessee Great Granny

I raise Buff orpington chickens, Sebastopol geese, Buff Orpington ducks and Midget White turkeys. I'm always looking for an efficient way to feed and water and to sucessfully hatch eggs. Plus anything that cuts down on the messes my babies make. When I see any ideas to use up all the so called "free" compost- I'm going to try it. Not sure whoever said raising birds means free compost and free eggs because they don't know how to check their expenses lists either. I love my babies though. 70% of my garden is invested into their diet and they love it.
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I'm always researching chickens and raising baby chicks. And now I've added ducks geese and turkeys. I will only be as good at it as I have knowledge. People have differing ways of solving problems, and I think it's prudent to find what experience has taught other people. Found this site by searching various bird topics.
Retired: various medical



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    Time flies when you're having fun! Happy 2 year anniversary!
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