Recent content by Ted n Ms

  1. Ted n Ms

    Sterile rooster

    Yeah I'm pretty close in West Point Mississippi
  2. Ted n Ms

    Sterile rooster

    I am feeding mine 22% protein( free choice) plus oyster shell.
  3. Ted n Ms

    Sterile rooster

    I feed them layer pellets and scrapes and they free range about three hours in the afternoon. All seem to be healthy. This is my first time to try hatching.
  4. Ted n Ms

    Sterile rooster

    Yep every day
  5. Ted n Ms

    Sterile rooster

    My hens are production reds, the rooster is roadisland red. Both the thermometer that came with farm innovations and the incu therm that came from incubators warehouse agree.
  6. Ted n Ms

    Sterile rooster

    Anyone ever had a sterile rooster. I have started two batches of eggs in a bator with a Incu Therm plus for reference. The fist batch stayed in for 11 days. I candled them and nothing, So i took them out and broke them one by one in a bowl. Not a one had anything but a enlarged yolk. I started a...
  7. Ted n Ms

    Is castor oil safe for chickens? I've got gophers

    I have castor plants and chickens scratch all around them. In the spring i have plants come every where and have not lost a bird yet.
  8. Ted n Ms

    Rooster comb

    Thanks Haunted55 iwill give this a try.
  9. Ted n Ms

    Rooster comb

    I am having a problem with the hens pecking the rooster's comb. Had one rooster that had a scabby comb. After he got mean i got rid of him and got another. This one had a beautiful comb for few days and now his comb is scabby also. They sit on the roost and peck on him ,not aggressive but just...
  10. Ted n Ms

    What is the best bait for raccoons in a live trap?

    For a live trap use corn. For Duke's trap use a marshmallow.
  11. Ted n Ms


    Got around to staining the chicken house today.
  12. Ted n Ms


    This could be a skunks dropping. If it is a skunk look closely you will see bug shells in the scat.
  13. Ted n Ms

    Electric Fence question (s) - Foxes/Coons/Skunks

    Yes you can run a ground wire from your charger to your metal roof. If you have a hot wire around the top then the roof will be grounded,
  14. Ted n Ms

    Help! Raccoons are after our girls and we won't sleep until they're gone...any deterrents?

    Dukes dog proof coon traps are much more effective than live traps and less expensive. 12.50 each...But use what you have .
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