Recent content by taylacline

  1. T

    Egg Bound Death?

    A hen was unfortunately found dead this afternoon. She was perfectly fine yesterday, let us pick her up and everything. Then today while out in the run I found her dead. We looked her over, no injuries, no mites, her feathers fairly clean. But it looks like she was in the middle of a poop...
  2. T

    Bear Attack

    Unfortunately we had a bear brake into our coop last night. He got 2 of our 6 hens. He's already tried to come back tonight, but this time we were able to scare it away. I've always heard once a bear knows where your chickens are it'll keep coming back until it gets them all. What can we do to...
  3. T

    Egg laying slowing down after switching to nipple waterers

    We switched the to the nipples a couple of weeks ago. I might just give it more time first. They've always drank from mud puddles but I want to provide a clean source for them. They laid mostly all winter, just much slower. We have 6 hens, and usually get 5-6 eggs a day. In the winter it...
  4. T

    Egg laying slowing down after switching to nipple waterers

    We've had the same hens for about a year now, and we've always used the classic gravity waterer. It was always so dirty, so we have recently switched over our watering system to horizontal nipples fed by a rain barrel. The girls seem hesitant but they do use it. I've taken the time to show them...
  5. T

    Clear liquid poop

    Another update: Egg laying for some has basically completely stopped. There are three hens we haven' gotten eggs from in over a week that we would get daily from. One of the girls behavior has changed, shes usually active and comes running for treats, even follows me around. Now shes just...
  6. T

    Clear liquid poop

    My chicken is acting fine besides occasionally fighting over nesting boxing, screaming at each other while they are trying to lay an egg. But otherwise she's eating, drinking, active as usual. But today I noticed she took an extremely watery poo. Like it was just a large amount of clear liquid...
  7. T

    Broody hen, but vent pulsing?

    Thank you! Now I just gotta break her from being broody lol
  8. T

    Broody hen, but vent pulsing?

    I have a broody hen I believe, seems to of happened these past few days. Shes got a bare chest, fluffs up her feathers when others are around, constantly clucks, and stays in the nesting box. But I also noticed what seems like her vent pulsing when she's clucking about. Is that normal or is she...
  9. T

    Fighting over nesting boxes

    We always hear a couple hens squawking at each other over the nesting boxes but today I found the two in the same nest at the same time! Lol they were both sitting and looked like they were trying to lay when I first noticed them but when I went into the coop the silver girl stood up. Notice the...
  10. T

    Only one egg?

    Here's some photos of the girls and the eggs we've gotten. The light grey almost white bird was labeled sapphire gem but she's laying the huge green eggs. And I believe that the other one in the first picture is the one that laid the blue egg. She was labeled a olive egger. The one egg picture...
  11. T

    Only one egg?

    I don't think she's eggbound because if thats the case she wouldn't have made it very long right? Like when a chicken is egg bound its then only a couple of days before they die? I'm not sure what breed she is, she was labeled an olive egger
  12. T

    Only one egg?

    No we usually get only 4-5 eggs in a day, sometimes less. I can't remember if that day we had gotten a green egg along with the blue egg or not but it wasn't similar to our green eggs. Our green eggs are huge and they have like big rough spots on them that are green. I'm not sure if its extra...
  13. T

    Only one egg?

    We got our 6 hens last summer, so they are around 10 months old. So far it seems like at least 3 of the 6 were mislabeled and I have different hens then I thought. Thats okay, this is our first flock, we are just happy to have them. We get a variety of egg colors, light tan, speckled, green, and...
  14. T

    Speckles part of bloom?

    It is pretty neat! Thank you for that great response
  15. T

    Speckles part of bloom?

    Here's a couple pictures. You can see when I just lightly rinsed they are speckled. Then the one I rubbed a little harder with a cloth and some of the speckles and color came off. I only did in that one spot but that would happen if I did the whole egg. And then the last picture is the egg dry...
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