Recent content by tasymo

  1. tasymo

    Do you think this plan will work for my broody hen?

    My "head hen", Harriette visited Hazel today. My husband found her in the shed, beak to beak with Hazel, through the cage, having a nice conversation. Hazel had been very uptight and skittish around the other girls, and would growl and squeal if they got too close. I'm not sure if this means...
  2. tasymo

    Do you think this plan will work for my broody hen?

    Yes, my shed has windows, with screens, so it shouldn't get too hot for her. I did catch her sneaking back to the run for food and water. Now she is in a large cage, in my shed, with food, and a bushel basket with wood shavings and a couple of eggs. Problem- she STINKS! I can only guess it's...
  3. tasymo

    Do you think this plan will work for my broody hen?

    Thanks! I'll start looking for a covered kitty litter box. I can keep her in my garden shed at night if I can convince her that my nest is better than her nest...
  4. tasymo

    Do you think this plan will work for my broody hen?

    I've got a two year old Rhode Island Red hen that I believe is broody. We call her our "Rogue" because she was adopted from a friend whose entire flock was taken by predators, except Hazel. He allowed them to free range at all times and did not lock them up at night. I have never been able to...
  5. tasymo

    Tasymos Page

    My adventures as the local "Chicken lady" I had been dreaming of having a small flock of chickens for some time. I had done my research, found an internet forum chock full of valuable information and frequented by fellow chicken enthusiasts, ( of course) and even...
  6. tasymo

    How to become self-sufficient (kinda) with chickens.

    I've got a big comfrey plant growing in my yard that my six hens love. I've tried planting in a few other spots, but they devour the babies before they can get established. The big plant does fine because it was well established before I got my chickens. I have dried it, and given them the...
  7. tasymo

    2 Girls Were Missing from the Coop Last Night

    Could be it was the visiting cat that prevented those two Girls from going back to the coop last night, and they were smart enough to find refuge in the garage! I'm glad you found them, safe and sound.
  8. tasymo

    Did you know chickens can crack nuts?

    Sorry, Guys! I just couldn't resist. Tell me you could have left it there, for a mere 50 cents! I think it is just too cool.
  9. tasymo

    Did you know chickens can crack nuts?

    At least this one can! I found it at a yard sale to day. Isn't it awesome?
  10. tasymo

    Double Trouble...

    Harriette and Betty sharing the nest box, on my blog-
  11. tasymo

    would anyone care to post the link the there chicken/livestock blog!?!

    My blog isn't exclusively about chickens or farm animals, but when I do a post about my hens, I usually post a link here (in fact, I just did...)
  12. tasymo

    Meet Miss Betty...

    I just posted a story about my barred Rock, Betty, on my blog-
  13. tasymo

    Ghetto coop

    First of all, where are you? This will make a difference in how you adapt your coop. If you are in a Southern State where Winters are mild, all you really need to invest in is some hardware cloth, and more permanent roofing. I would definitely make use of the top section as well. My Girls...
  14. tasymo

    What are Michigan Health & Safety Laws for selling small flock eggs?

    Thanks for posting this. I often find myself with more eggs than I can use, despite sharing them with friends and family! I've been considering putting out a "fresh eggs" sign, with cartoned eggs in a cooler for maybe $2 a dozen. I have hesitated, only because I wasn't sure of the rules...
  15. tasymo

    Chicken Blogs?

    I do! I do! It's not exclusively chickens, but they are included!
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