Recent content by Tasmin Kalida

  1. Tasmin Kalida

    2 Week old Roadrunner?

    That looks like a Polish chicken to me! :)
  2. Tasmin Kalida

    California whites vrs leghorn in the winter

    and yes, they are quite a bit larger than leghorns
  3. Tasmin Kalida

    California whites vrs leghorn in the winter

    I am in Kentucky, I don't have leghorns :) Their temperament is pretty good (the California whites) they can fly though! Ours can easily get out of our 6-foot fence! they fly/climb straight up the fence! :rolleyes: I don't know where you can get hatching eggs, but I know hoover hatchery has...
  4. Tasmin Kalida

    California whites vrs leghorn in the winter

    Hi! I have California white chickens. This winter we had extreme temps, and one of them that had a very large comb, got a very minor case of frostbite. As long as they have a good shelter, I'm sure they will be just fine. hope this helps! :)
  5. Tasmin Kalida

    Wild Pigeon?

    I finally got pictures!
  6. Tasmin Kalida

    Wild Pigeon?

    ok, thank you!
  7. Tasmin Kalida

    Wild Pigeon?

    If I were to make a house for it and feed it. I could get another pigeon to be a mate with it right?
  8. Tasmin Kalida

    What kind of mix is s/he?

    maybe an Ayam Cemani/olive egger! that would be cool!
  9. Tasmin Kalida

    What kind of mix is s/he?

    yeah, probably a barnyard mix :lol: but i bet he/she will be really pretty when he/she grows up!
  10. Tasmin Kalida

    Funky chick feet and comb

    I'm thinking that your cute little girl is actually a little roo! This happened to us, we hatched chicks, and I sexed them myself, and I was sure that our cute friendly little Daisy was a girl. after a while her feet got way bigger than all the rest and it turned out Dasiy was a roo! :lol: male...
  11. Tasmin Kalida

    Funky chick feet and comb

    Do both feet look the same?
  12. Tasmin Kalida

    What kind of mix is s/he?

    do you know which birds came out of which eggs? Is everything on the black one (with the grey comb) black? like the eyes and tongue? If so, it could be an Ayam Cemani
  13. Tasmin Kalida

    Wild Pigeon?

    Thank you for responding! :weeI will try to get a picture posted today, It does not have a leg band. we have never seen any pigeons around our neighborhood, so I thought maybe it used to belong to someone 🤷‍♀️ About the pigeon food... I looked some stuff up and some people said they can't eat...
  14. Tasmin Kalida

    Wild Pigeon?

    Another question! :D what is a good pigeon feed?
  15. Tasmin Kalida

    Wild Pigeon?

    Hey everybody, I am a new member here! I have some pigeon questions! So this wild pigeon has been at my aunt's house for about 3 weeks. It just hangs around, I haven't been able to pick it up yet but it seems pretty friendly. it's white and grey, do you think it is wild and just showed up for...
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