Recent content by tangledgardens

  1. tangledgardens

    Comment by 'tangledgardens' in article 'Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)'

    Yes there is a vaccine. My research tells me this is not contagious to humans. My experience has taught me that the pox isn't deadly but a secondary infection ie. respiratory infection can be deadly. The second rooster I wrote about earlier seems perfectly fine. The antibiotic I got from the vet...
  2. tangledgardens

    Comment by 'tangledgardens' in article 'Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)'

    I currently have a rooster suffering from this. I just lost a rooster who was very ill with a respiratory illness and I am now thinking that it started with fowl pox. I have been giving the current rooster a strong antibiotic from my regular vet because he was showing respiratory illness...
  3. tangledgardens

    Hello from Tangled Gardens!

    Located in Washington State. Have had chickens for 1 year now and have a sick Rooster. Looking for any input. He may have cocsidiosis, have been treating for 3 days now and today he is symptomatic of a respiratory illness. Have been giving him Tetracycline via an eye dropper throughout the...
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