Recent content by Suzierd

  1. Suzierd

    Medistatin (Nystatin) Dose
  2. Suzierd

    dosage for poly vi sol

    Should this be given more then once a day for bad cases.
  3. Suzierd

    Wazine 17

    Treated Wazine for round worms and bottle says repeating 30 days, I’m reading people are saying repeat in 7 to 10 days? Any thoughts on this? And what do you disinfect your coop and run with after treatment ? Will vinegar work? Thank you
  4. Suzierd


    Thank you!
  5. Suzierd


    Fleming Wazine 17 Dose? And is it the same for bantams as standard chickens? Thank you
  6. Suzierd

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    Sorry to hear about chickadee Hope all is well with Derp. Haven’t been on here for a long time is the rest of the flick we’ll? The Rooster?
  7. Suzierd

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    Very sorry you lost Mini, your remainingold gal is beautiful hope she continues to hang around. ❤️
  8. Suzierd

    Chicken Breed Focus - Serama

    How did your hatch go?
  9. Suzierd

    ADOR1 Automatic Coop Door?

    Love my Ador! My first one went just over a year before I needed to change the battery just bought my second one and working like a charm
  10. Suzierd

    Kate's Sassy Seramas

  11. Suzierd

    Long live the King - the neverending story of Brahmalot!

    All the Roosters are Beautiful! Hens too
  12. Suzierd

    Long live the King - the neverending story of Brahmalot!

    I agree! I miss the old format. I'm not on here near as much. Great to hear Brahmalot is doing well
  13. Suzierd

    Number of hens to coop/run size ratio?

    I would think you can get one more since you move it around to fresh ground. The minimum rule of thumb is about 2 to 3 square feet per chicken inside the chicken coop, and 8 to 10 square feet per chicken in an outside run. More square footage is better.
  14. Suzierd

    Hi Bri, was wondering if you can sell me a few eggs from your calico pair before you sell them...

    Hi Bri, was wondering if you can sell me a few eggs from your calico pair before you sell them? I would take as little as four eggs?
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