Recent content by suzbo

  1. suzbo

    Review by 'suzbo' in article '10 Health Precautions For Backyard Chicken Owners'

    Thank you for writing and publishing this vital article.
  2. suzbo

    chicken smashed chicken's egg

    We have two chickens 3+ years old. today I went to check in the nest boxes and found that one chicken smashed another chicken's egg. I think I know who's egg it is and who did the smashing. It is our brooding hen that probably did the smashing. I don't know what to do.
  3. suzbo


    Also this website let's you search through town ordinances.
  4. suzbo


    Some info here:
  5. suzbo

    Chicken laws in NJ

    You can have chickens, no rooster, if you live on property that is a couple of acres.
  6. suzbo

    Picking up Rooster inside large cage

    One more update. The wonderful person who took Whitie in let me know how he gives pills. (he offered to give Whitie his pills the last week - what a God send) he takes Whitie and turns him on his side with his wings held close to his chest. In this way he cannot push off or fight with his feet...
  7. suzbo

    Picking up Rooster inside large cage

    One more thing - I saw some good YouTube videos that showed the proper way to gently place the pills down the throat.
  8. suzbo

    Picking up Rooster inside large cage

    I want to thank everyone for their help in caring for our rooster Whitie. We continue to give him his medication twice a day. He is in the sun-room (heater is on now). He is in a very large dog kennel with a carrier case attach for lovely sleeping "room." Each morning and afternoon the hubby...
  9. suzbo

    Picking up Rooster inside large cage

    We did as you suggested and did not use a towel but he is always terribly upset. A number of times when my husband has sat down on the floor talking softly to Whitie before he opens the cage Whitie comes at him like a whirlwind. Today he just hid in the corner of the crate. We get the meds in...
  10. suzbo

    Picking up Rooster inside large cage

    I can't thank you enough for this information. I will let you know how it goes this evening when we have to give him his evening meds.
  11. suzbo

    Picking up Rooster inside large cage

    We have to give our rooster medication twice a day. Because we need to go inside the cage that part of the process is difficult because the rooster goes into a panic. Once he catches him I am able to pill him with ease but it is the catching part in the cage that is difficult. Should we first...
  12. suzbo

    Did you ever get a response to your chemical neutering of your Rooster?

    Did you ever get a response to your chemical neutering of your Rooster?
  13. suzbo

    Looking for a home for my lovely white Leghorn rooster.

    Looking for a home for my lovely white Leghorn rooster.
  14. suzbo

    Rooster Give Away

    Can you give me that link please?
  15. suzbo

    Rooster Give Away

    Thank you for your reply. Michigan is too far. By the way he is very sweet tempered.
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