Recent content by Sustained

  1. Sustained

    Shipped eggs, terrible air cells

    It's been too long since I hatched shipped eggs. I can't remember the best position for lockdown. Sitting up in an egg carton or laying down? I received an almost completely scrambled batch of eggs. 3 of the 18 developed. Lockdown in 2 days if they keep going. The air cells are really bad. Not...
  2. Sustained


    It looks like this thread hasn't revived yet. Swaps tend to go dormant during winter months. How it works is, if there's a current offer posted, you would reply "mine" to it (meaning you are claiming their offer) and would immediately post your own offer. Then someone else would call "mine" on...
  3. Sustained

    Will a roo adopt a chick???

    Short and simple version... I put a chick under a broody hen. The hen is still broody and the chick was out with the flock this morning. That chick has decided that my roo is mommy. I have no clue what to do.
  4. Sustained


    I'm actually heading through Portland next weekend so thank you for the tips! I couldn't find tara schultz on Facebook. Too many people with that name lol
  5. Sustained


    Does anyone in NE Oregon have bearded silkie chicks or hatching eggs available?
  6. Sustained

    Sexing silkies!

  7. Sustained

    No Crow Rooster collar

    Yes, I'm aware of the biblical connotation and use of the word in other countries. Every time I try to recommend the website, people have a very American reaction lol. I thought it would be prudent to just address that from the get-go. Thank you
  8. Sustained

    Bantam Only Crazy Egg Chain

    I'm waiting for the swap threads to start going again. They're all still dead pretty much. They'll pick up again once everyone's flocks start back up laying.
  9. Sustained


    I'm sorry to hear that. Thankfully it's not a once a year thing for those of us who had to miss out. I plan to go to the spring and summer event. I'm not sure about fall yet. I've been avidly following the vendor posts on FB about what is being brought to the different events. So many beautiful...
  10. Sustained

    Silkie sexing

    Pullet. What a cutie
  11. Sustained

    No Crow Rooster collar Yes, I know, the name sounds dirty but they're the Australian version of the No Crow. I tried the No Crow but it didn't work for me. The cock collars work great. I've used them on all my roos. They still Crow but it's very quiet. My roos adjust to them a lot...
  12. Sustained


    I was so looking forward to going to today's event! And then ended up not being able to go :-( I live in eastern oregon so it's a bit of a drive. I'm definitely planning to be at the next one! And can hopefully talk a few other crazy chicken ladies into coming with me :-D
  13. Sustained

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you. I will do that. If it was any other color I'd feel comfortable making a call but I'm new to lavender and I don't want to take steps backward from the great work that went into their current breeding :-)
  14. Sustained

    Silkie thread!

    Hello, I'm in need of a little advice. I have 2 very nice lavender hens. Their only fault being their eye color and their skin is a shade lighter than I would like. I'm looking to bring new blood to the line and darken the eyes and skin a bit. I do realize this will take time and a few...
  15. Sustained

    Silkie color?

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