Recent content by SuperFluffyChickens

  1. SuperFluffyChickens

    Hmong chicks, 5 weeks - pullet or cockerel?

    Yes, I guessed that was the case. And thank you! They’re really a stunning breed. They’ve been great to raise so far, even if some of them are a bit flighty they might grow out of it. The breeder I got them from was raving about how they’re like the perfect chicken and her personal favorite on...
  2. SuperFluffyChickens

    Hmong chicks, 5 weeks - pullet or cockerel?

    Yes, I noticed their wattles today too, and that chicks 1 and 2 had barely any. Thanks for the reply! It’s interesting how they’re developing much more slowly than the other breeds I’m raising, my Favaucana cockerels already have big pink combs and wattles. But everyone grows at their own pace...
  3. SuperFluffyChickens

    Hmong chicks, 5 weeks - pullet or cockerel?

    Hello, this spring was my first time hatching chicks (aka not just buying sexed chicks) and for most of the babies I hatched I have a pretty good idea about whether they’re male or female, but I’m pretty stumped on my Hmong chicks. I’ve never raised Asian/Game-type breeds before so I’m not...
  4. SuperFluffyChickens

    Disinfection question- Marek’s disease

    Thank you. I understand. I admit, I’m feeling a bit paranoid, but in the end we do all we can and the rest is up to Mother Nature. Sadly I know someone, a breeder, who lost most of their breeding stock to Marek’s, and literally can’t start breeding again unless they move to a new property, since...
  5. SuperFluffyChickens

    Disinfection question- Marek’s disease

    So, just a quick question, not an emergency or anything. I’m getting ready to hatch a clutch of eggs - not from my flock - and I wanted to make sure the brooder and the room it’s in are thoroughly disinfected before they hatch next weekend. I don’t actively suspect my flock is carrying Marek’s...
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