Recent content by sunshinesnuggles

  1. S

    Very lethargic hen, green poop. help!

    update: gave her and the others some mash, she ate a bit. I tried to force her to drink like you do with baby chicks when you first get them, but she wouldn't open her mouth so I didn't get a ton in. the mash is wet though. she was falling asleep so I set her in a nesting box so she could rest...
  2. S

    Very lethargic hen, green poop. help!

    My Easter Egger is very very lethargic. She turns four in two months, and she hasn't laid since probably early fall, but she is older. She had similar but less mild symptoms a few weeks ago but seemed to recover on her own. Now she just lies down in the run, and she's getting worse. She can...
  3. S

    Stationary vs portable coop

    Chickens aren't bothered by being in a portable coop to my knowledge, but they are generally much less predator proof than stationary coops (although you may not have many predators near you since it sounds like you live in a fairly populated area). The grass in your run will likely take some...
  4. S

    What is this chick doing??

    lol as I went to respond, the Wyandotte and EE cuddled up under the SS like baby chicks under their mom. That's interesting that they do that too, and thanks for your help! I've started to put her under the heat plate when she does that to help her figure out how to get warm like I did with the...
  5. S

    What is this chick doing??

    I just (as in a few hours ago) got a little three day old Wyandotte to join my little chick flock of a week old EE and a threeish week old Speckled Sussex. Not sure if the age difference advisable, I've never had chicks of different ages before but the SS is gentle with the little ones and they...
  6. S

    What color Wyandotte is this?

    Ohhh that makes sense, thank you! I'll update in a week or so, may be able to tell then. Upon further inspection she does look a bit bluer than your average GLW (maybe that's just wishful thinking though lol) so I'm hoping for blue or splash!
  7. S

    What color Wyandotte is this?

    This lovely spring weather got the best of me, and I just picked up another chick. (She has two others for company, don't worry.) She's about three days old. What I'm wondering is, she and all the other chicks at the store (all with similar plumage) were labeled as blue laced reds, but when I...
  8. S

    Not super urgent, but one of my hens seems off

    Update: Gave her some egg yolks which she ate and after a bit she drank. I waited out there for 40 more minutes to see her poop lol, so here's that picture: Pretty runny, but some poop is just like that to my understanding...? I then picked her up and put her on a roost in the run to see what...
  9. S

    Not super urgent, but one of my hens seems off

    I noticed a few minutes ago that my EE hen is acting a bit odd. She turns four in two months. She is moving almost in slow motion and not showing much interest in foraging or scratching even though I just let them out of the run. She perked up when I gave them some mealworms, but soon reverted...
  10. S

    New babies - color question, age difference

    Piper's a Speckled Sussex, so it's all good then? I would be pretty worried if she was an EE, my EE hen barely has visible wattles lol. I like her name a lot, when my previous two SS were chicks one's stripe went all the way from her head to her tail, like a branch, and her name was Willow...
  11. S

    New babies - color question, age difference

    Thanks for your response! I think I'm overreacting, I'm just worried lol. One more question is Piper's comb size normal for a pullet of her age? This is her: It's hard for me to tell since I don't have another twoish week old to compare her to.
  12. S

    Unable to bear weight on foot, any advice?!

    This happened to one of my big hens, I think she just tweaked it jumping down from a perch and couldn't stand at all. I fed her oatmeal and pellet mash so she got lots of food and water since she couldn't walk around on her own and would pick her up and let her put tiny bits of weight on it. She...
  13. S

    New babies - color question, age difference

    I got two little chicks yesterday, a Speckled Sussex who I think is a bit older than two weeks and an Easter Egger who's probably about four days old. My plan was always to have five hens, but between surprise roosters and illness, I ended up losing four of my first six chicks (I got an extra...
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